Calling out an Aerie Peak premade group for GY camping


I understand a bunch of randoms not understanding the norms of graveyard camping, but I was a little annoyed to see a Horde AP premade team (with a pair of 24s thrown in for good measure) camp the alliance graveyard for about 15 min of game time last night. This happened in 2 consecutive games.

Don't be rude. Don't camp. It messes the game up for everyone.

I'm also going to call out players when this happens. Please see attached screenshots for toon names.

[attachment=5:WoWScrnShot_093011_014346 (Medium).jpg]

[attachment=6:WoWScrnShot_093011_022608 (Medium).jpg]
Yeah those guys are absolutely terrible, nothing to see here.
I see 14 mins left on the timer perhaps show a SS with a "90+ honor gained" thing other then that maybe they were just blocking the GY to cap?

EDIT: nvm i can tell by the comment below this was not the case /shun all AP campers
okay AP has grown alot there are new 20 everyday in the chat. we cant account for everybody on horde side. i dont recognize any of those names except one that i have personally played with. yes we have 24's but its doesn't mean we are buddy buddy with them and support them. most non gy farming premades are in the evening and not late at night.
I dont know any of those guys, so I cant really say much.

Move on?
The beta of the new addon grabs the names of everyone who logs into /f2ptwink while you're online. Out of 163 level 20s who have been in the channel at the same time as me, over the last few weeks, only one of them was in those BGs.
It's unfortunate some people have trouble playing an objective based game. I'll certainty continue to discourage GY camping when I come across it.
I can confirm what everyone in this thread is saying. These are not active members of the horde AP chat or the forums. I only even recognize one name on the screenshot, and he's not much of a talker.

I do appreciate that the title of this thread is "an AP premade group" and not "AP horde" or some such. The implication that AP horde is now GY camping is why jenks logging over was poorly received in chat the other day -- the ones of us you were talking to (or who we thought you were talking to) were people who generally never GY camp, and AP horde remains opposed to the practice overall.

Do keep up with the screencaps though, it's more constructive to have names than to point fingers at whole segments of the community. It lets us identify and talk to these people, and it also makes clear that you're reporting a real instance of GY camping rather than a spawn or two of GY choking when a flag is crossing midfield.
Pino, I'm sorry if you thought I was generalizing, and accusing the horde players as a whole... There were a few people from that game in chat though, and it was directed at them. I'm not sure if they qeued with those 24s or not, but they sure as hell were healing the rogue and clutching on the 24 heals to try and push us to GY. Enterri even said so in chat. Those players are all KoS now, which means they're in for a lovely treat should they ever bump into an APSF premade.
We have bads ally side who think clutching 24s and camping gys is cool on AP too... the pros (Earl, Kin, Pope, etc) refuse to even acknowlege them when looking for people. We camp them if we can in Gurubashi. They ruin the game. If there was a way to ban them from our chat, we would. I know the horde would do the same thing. Sorry to any pugs that got ever get caught up in the off AP gy farming bads, but for the most part, when you face AP, expect a quick loss where the opposing team breaks 60 honor at max. 24s are 24 so they can wtfowned people, clinging onto them as a 20 is admitting you are terribad and need to reroll runescape. Just my 2 copper
If there was a way to ban them from our chat, we would.

I've been considering having an ignore list included in the addon for those people who have shown they don't want to take part in the same kind of play as the majority of AP's F2P twinks, and there are also some very democratic ways to handle chat moderation, with the addon passing channel ownership only to selected people when someone should log out.

eg. It's possible to have the addon record who is online the most (the test version is already recording the time everyone was last seen logged in), and prefer handing moderation over to them or one of their alts, when the current moderator does something that would normally cause the server instead to hand it over to the character that simply has the highest age.

At the moment the version I'm testing tries to hand over to any level 20 F2P, before considering characters of any other level, but that can be narrowed down to include the above criteria too. So long as the majority of players are running that same version, it is highly unlikely that any malicious player could get moderation rights, even by using a modified copy of the addon, and the F2P 20 players who are online the most often would be the ones who had kick/ban rights on the chat channel (and a malicious player logging in a new character, claiming to be the alt of a regular member would get nowhere, as the addon would have to see the regular character confirm that connection too).
why do you guys not ban 24s from the f2p channel :S
i was wondering when somebody was gonna post about this. we had one of the most absurd GY farming sessions that night. i think we played something like 7 WSGs in a row, and 7/7 of them were GY camps. it was very, very satisfying (i am Entrerri fyi). just look at all those alliance hunters in that game who got the shit camped out of them! it warms my heart.

i posted something recently in one of the WSG "GY camping whine threads" along the lines of "i'm going to keep on camping you guys until you learn to stay out of WSG unless you're a hunter or queue with a group". this is exactly the kind of stuff that i was referring to. i've completely run out of patience or sympathy for people who whine and cry about getting "GY farmed" in WSG. if you don't want to get farmed, queue AB. you know, the battleground at 20 that is actually balanced and fun. you're all griefing me by not queuing AB a hell of a lot more than i'm griefing you by GY camping every once in a while.

in one of the games, Tyragankz had to go afk for a couple minutes in the middle of the game. it was, of course, a regular ol' level 20 WSG game, so there were 6-7 hunter twinks on the alliance team. as soon as he went afk, our GY farm collapsed because we didn't have a healer, and the game immediately shifted to the horde being GY farmed by the alliance team instead. when he came back, we slowly beat them back and capped the last flag to finish the game.

that game was pretty much the quintessential summary of the pathetic state of this bracket. you people who keep on queuing WSG instead of AB are going to continue to get exactly what you deserve: masses of s-keying hunters, GY camps, and 24s who farm you. thanks in advance to the people who finally pull their heads out of their asses and start queuing AB, so we can actually have some fun pvping in this bracket.

LMFAO COTUS your gy farming skillz are shit. No guild can gy farm as good as ROLLIN ON TWENTY FOURS #1. you got pushed back wtf our premade never got pushed back before. wouldsmash is a good priest rest are trash amatuers gy farmers.

pro tip aoe the gy area to pick off rogues/druids
i was wondering when somebody was gonna post about this. we had one of the most absurd GY farming sessions that night. i think we played something like 7 WSGs in a row, and 7/7 of them were GY camps. it was very, very satisfying (i am Entrerri fyi). just look at all those alliance hunters in that game who got the shit camped out of them! it warms my heart.

i posted something recently in one of the WSG "GY camping whine threads" along the lines of "i'm going to keep on camping you guys until you learn to stay out of WSG unless you're a hunter or queue with a group". this is exactly the kind of stuff that i was referring to. i've completely run out of patience or sympathy for people who whine and cry about getting "GY farmed" in WSG. if you don't want to get farmed, queue AB. you know, the battleground at 20 that is actually balanced and fun. you're all griefing me by not queuing AB a hell of a lot more than i'm griefing you by GY camping every once in a while.

in one of the games, Tyragankz had to go afk for a couple minutes in the middle of the game. it was, of course, a regular ol' level 20 WSG game, so there were 6-7 hunter twinks on the alliance team. as soon as he went afk, our GY farm collapsed because we didn't have a healer, and the game immediately shifted to the horde being GY farmed by the alliance team instead. when he came back, we slowly beat them back and capped the last flag to finish the game.

that game was pretty much the quintessential summary of the pathetic state of this bracket. you people who keep on queuing WSG instead of AB are going to continue to get exactly what you deserve: masses of s-keying hunters, GY camps, and 24s who farm you. thanks in advance to the people who finally pull their heads out of their asses and start queuing AB, so we can actually have some fun pvping in this bracket.


I don't know if you realize this, but maybe you should take your head out of your ass once in a while and think for a second that some people actually enjoy playing Warsong Gulch instead of Arathi Basin. They're 2 different games. We're not allowed to have a different preference than you?
I don't know if you realize this, but maybe you should take your head out of your ass once in a while and think for a second that some people actually enjoy playing Warsong Gulch instead of Arathi Basin. They're 2 different games. We're not allowed to have a different preference than you?

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