Calling Blackout EU Guild-Masters

Ok so Blackout has no serious premades going on from what i seen.

So... hoepfully the GM's of both horde & alliance guilds read this & post back-

I have started my own guild <Stand Off> and once i have the members will be premading alot and think its about time most people grew up, got thier acts together and organise some good 10v10.

I just want to know what other guilds would be able to organise a solid 10man group (alliance) and also able to start up battelgroup 5v5 teams.

Currently my guild is recruiting 2 healing classes and 5 CC/DPS classes for a core team so if any Draenor Hordes want to get into some real pvp let me know.

(have access to Ventrillo server)

I think we have enough activity in this battlegroup to make this a permanent thing so guys fix up and lets have some good games.

I would like it if you could post times your guild would be able to get a good group together, im thinking saturdays, sundays & some week nights.

share love, suzzane. x
We playing Horde, but as i said we dont have our core group atm.

Horde Draenor is just a bunch of headless chickeness running around, I would really like the chance to get some good things going here. give me some time >:)

currently got : 1 wlock, 1 drood, 1 palli, 1 Priest/Mage.

also for 5v5 arena days: faction is not mattering.

But the idea is if each GM can come together, say we have 2 horde guilds 2 alliance guilds signed in this, we can have some good times in pvp.

(it wont be a challenge untill i recruited some)

but ty for the reply. x
suzzane said:
Ok so Blackout has no serious premades going on from what i seen.

So... hoepfully the GM's of both horde & alliance guilds read this & post back-

I have started my own guild <Stand Off> and once i have the members will be premading alot and think its about time most people grew up, got thier acts together and organise some good 10v10.

I just want to know what other guilds would be able to organise a solid 10man group (alliance) and also able to start up battelgroup 5v5 teams.

Currently my guild is recruiting 2 healing classes and 5 CC/DPS classes for a core team so if any Draenor Hordes want to get into some real pvp let me know.

(have access to Ventrillo server)

I think we have enough activity in this battlegroup to make this a permanent thing so guys fix up and lets have some good games.

I would like it if you could post times your guild would be able to get a good group together, im thinking saturdays, sundays & some week nights.

share love, suzzane. x

We at Saves the Day have enough activity to put up a premade at pretty much any time. We are very willing and interested in premaking as a guild, and we will step up to any challenge you horde guys can throw our way :)

Contact either myself on my twink Bláckóut or Sházzráh ingame if you would like to arrange any specific times and dates that you guys can get a 10 man group. Also, 5v5's we will begin to look into, if we can see some progression of other guilds pulling 5's teams together.
see now this is the stuff im talking about :D

but as i said currently on Draenor Horde is just afk'ing and loling all day long.


I have tried to 'Recruit' for my guild but so far i havnt had much interest, and i dont want a bunch of random key-turners who are un-reliable and inactive, so you can see my position.Other guilds say they will fix premades but never do. I strongly suggest all Draenor Hordes who wanna have some serious games join up with me.

The sittuation is this- People dont want to leave thier guilds because they go by the Theory 'Bigger is Better', but what good is this if you dont know the people you play with or even have an officer stepping up to the role of Premade organising.

Also i think its a matter of faithfullness also, people like to represent thier guilds and stick by them, which i can see is fair enough, but it will not get you anywhere. Nobody is pulling the finger out so i have to and i will struggle to get the team together, but i can assure you when we are up games are on! Ill roll some alt in the near future for easy contact on your server.

share love. suzzane x
Blackout said:
Also, 5v5's we will begin to look into, if we can see some progression of other guilds pulling 5's teams together.

This is the general idea of this thread, to see what guilds are available.

i know Tseggy's guild <Wasted> alliance on Draenor would love to do some 5v5.

:) x
suzzane said:
Ok so Blackout has no serious premades going on from what i seen.

So... hoepfully the GM's of both horde & alliance guilds read this & post back-

I have started my own guild <Stand Off> and once i have the members will be premading alot and think its about time most people grew up, got thier acts together and organise some good 10v10.

I just want to know what other guilds would be able to organise a solid 10man group (alliance) and also able to start up battelgroup 5v5 teams.

Currently my guild is recruiting 2 healing classes and 5 CC/DPS classes for a core team so if any Draenor Hordes want to get into some real pvp let me know.

(have access to Ventrillo server)

I think we have enough activity in this battlegroup to make this a permanent thing so guys fix up and lets have some good games.

I would like it if you could post times your guild would be able to get a good group together, im thinking saturdays, sundays & some week nights.

share love, suzzane. x

Ya, I've noticed that eu is lacking premades unlike the us, I offered Blackout an account to play premades with us (the americans), and i wouldnt mind playing with the euros vs a few guilds either on my euro warrior xD
Our guild <Pull My Tail> is up for the challenge, I'll speak with Zimt and dem boys about this. Hopefully they want 2, we got a 5 man team but not a 10 man team.
I IlI lIl VIl is ready to do 5v5 al ready, we were in que last night :)

soon we will be able to run a premade, still short of a few ppl and especially and fc
As soon as a GM gets back to me and replaces my gear PuP will be ready to run premades, already have a set team. Daz, ill send you my new email in a PM so we can hook up some matches.
Vaj said:
As soon as a GM gets back to me and replaces my gear PuP will be ready to run premades, already have a set team. Daz, ill send you my new email in a PM so we can hook up some matches.

again, sorry i didn't keep mah promices of fc'n. have sendt falaris my details. he's excperienced at pre's. :)

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