Calling All 39s


Calling all 39s! TWW now allows Raids starting at 30. Looking for more to Revive the 39's, run weekly raids for gears, weekly WSG and AB matches. LET'S GO! You can find me in game gearing my monk Nilla or just hit up the guild, The Feared.
Nilla - Shatteredhand - 39 Monk - The Feared
I am new to twinkling and just made a lvl 39. Would love some tips if you have any to share :)
Calling all 39s! TWW now allows Raids starting at 30. Looking for more to Revive the 39's, run weekly raids for gears, weekly WSG and AB matches. LET'S GO! You can find me in game gearing my monk Nilla or just hit up the guild, The Feared.
Idk i seem to be new here, but im pretty sure 30s could raid since SL
the best gears still comes from SoO (lvl35, it has most of the secondary stats mix needed, and it procs terts too), with max sockets and Queen's Garnet gem.. neck from DF with 3 sockets and trinkets from WOD.. i make lot of 35-39 for bg purposes
i would love to get some info about 39 twink some tips for gear or some guild specialized for twink raiding :)

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