Call to Arms: Aerie Peak Alliance!


I should be back next month or so, dragon has me on R ID if you need help with anything, atm got caught up updating my 85's to 390ilvl and finally finishing my 70 and 80 tinks with professions and drakes and master flying on all and ****. but i'll be back.

PS dont worry taco, i'll finish that spore rep for ya buddy, never forgot, just needed a break, that is if you're still around


I've been asking where you went man. I thought you went back to the US for contract work. We need those SM runs
I feel good about my feelings.
I definitely will give AP a try. Soon. Maybe.

Wait so rolling on alliance AP is gonna be a waste of my time? :/

Wouldn't go that far. The people are obviously awesome! If you want to level anyway, might as well make yourself a part of the community there.

I have to disagree with you on that one Yde, ive seen you in multiple bgs and i have to say you are one of the FEW pallies who know what they are doing and i'd definitely take you over some random peeps any day of the week. Oh, and being antisocial really isnt a bad thing Imo i could understand completely why you turned chat off, personally i dont like chat going off in my box unless its nessecary (efc ramp!) ya know, stuff like that

I will so spam you with emotes and useless fluff next BG I see you. <3

I don't mind chat, but if you can't see the 'efc ramp!' for 'hold my hand killing murlocs behind goldshire inn i'm scared of fish' I dunno.
there are no alliance shamen

Mindyy and I play shaman, she used to be resto but I think she's Enh atm.

I have....also leveled a character to 70 on a different server.


Only good shaman on horde I remember is Shockur, but I believe he quit a long time ago. There's probably others now, been a while.
The game has changed from what it was when F2P began. Horde were absolute trash. Every WSG game ended in an alliance GY farm. Every AB ended in an alliance five cap. Those days have long since passed. Now, because so many horde kept leaving the GY farms, their queues were instant. Instant GY farm. Now that has largely stopped, the alliance and horde queues are similar, although horde are still slightly faster at certain times of day and AB still takes forever on either side.

Maybe that had something to do with why horde on AP became a stronger community than alliance did. Horde PuGs were just plain terrible, so there was more motivation to stay and form a bond with the people there. At the same time a lot of people lost interest alliance side, or went horde, and once the core of a group no longer exists, it falls apart very quickly as one quits, and then another because the people they enjoyed playing with are no longer there, and it falls apart ever faster from there.

I should be back next month or so, dragon has me on R ID if you need help with anything, atm got caught up updating my 85's to 390ilvl and finally finishing my 70 and 80 tinks with professions and drakes and master flying on all and ****. but i'll be back.

PS dont worry taco, i'll finish that spore rep for ya buddy, never forgot, just needed a break, that is if you're still around


Its ok...yea i will be around....Have a Good Break
The game has changed from what it was when F2P began. Horde were absolute trash. Every WSG game ended in an alliance GY farm. Every AB ended in an alliance five cap. Those days have long since passed. Now, because so many horde kept leaving the GY farms, their queues were instant. Instant GY farm. Now that has largely stopped, the alliance and horde queues are similar, although horde are still slightly faster at certain times of day and AB still takes forever on either side.

Maybe that had something to do with why horde on AP became a stronger community than alliance did. Horde PuGs were just plain terrible, so there was more motivation to stay and form a bond with the people there. At the same time a lot of people lost interest alliance side, or went horde, and once the core of a group no longer exists, it falls apart very quickly as one quits, and then another because the people they enjoyed playing with are no longer there, and it falls apart ever faster from there.

I just hope horde q's dont turn into ally q times and vice versa, as horde i have seen myself loose ALOT but it still presents a good challenge when i see half of our group under 1k while the ally are all over 1.3 and still pulling off a close win. im sure the f2p community hasnt seen its brightest days yet and im sure the community (ap and twinkinfo) will grow over time

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