Call to Arms: Aerie Peak Alliance!

I'll be back soon
Im currently playing on an eu realm, if i knew from the start AP was the place to for F2p i wouldve joined AP ally with pleasure.

But I just cba to grind all the BoA's again and stuff. Also in februari im travelling to new zealand for 3 months so thats 3 months of not playing wow and everything..

Maybe your offer will motivate some players to roll a toon on AP, I would if i wasnt leaving
I've been thinking of making an AP toon or 2 for when pugs get me in a mood, if there a healing class that would be particularly helpful? (best at priest and rdruid but will try anything
there are no alliance shamen, priest is probably most helpful

just don't make a paladin
I've taken a break from my 20s just cause I got bored of nothing but WSG. Lvled a lock to 73 on a new server so far, plus a couple twinks. I'll be back soon though, just letting it regain its appeal.
Does it have anything to do with Horde AP suddenly being overrun with infantiles?

Dude I got no clue as to why it's like this, I mean I guess everyone just got bored of it at the same time... Kinda screwed us over!! Not that it's anybody's fault, I'm not worried about pointing fingers or trying to beg players to come back, just trying to spark some interest!!
Played in a few "premades" on AP today. I remember when we used to clash into other teams head on, and hold them in GY while we 3 capped in 8 minutes. Those days are fading. AP needs help, if it wants to be like the pinnacle of f2p it once was. Shau, you are a noble man and I respect this!
The frustration and embarrassment of losing with a premade is a lot less fun than obliterating a team of huntards who want to GY farm all day.

Most of the new folk on AP are pretty terrible, that's the truth. I've been equally frustrated during some matches. That's why you arrange arenas to feed your ego wrecking the new kids, or you queue up without any expectations.
Dude I got no clue as to why it's like this, I mean I guess everyone just got bored of it at the same time... Kinda screwed us over!! Not that it's anybody's fault, I'm not worried about pointing fingers or trying to beg players to come back, just trying to spark some interest!!

all the bads went AP horde to get carried for free wins because eyepatch wasn't enough

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