Call to 39's

Naturaltalnt said:

But true, WTB more twinks visiting TI, we need to stand united!

Or something like that. :rolleyes::p

:O Ofc I have nothing against TI :p

Over the past few months I have introduced at least 50-60 guildies to TI, and all of them love it :p

I just meant that it could be more convinient for them :p But hey, it only takes a min or 2 to make an account anyways, Pewi is right ^^
Still not gettin many "new" players posting, just old ones saying they are still game for a 39 revival (dont get me wrong thats all good) but new faces are needed i think.

Il reiterate a point i made previously, that if u know people from battlegrounds you used to play on, or if u know of 39 guilds which are still active, point them in this direction, or to come talk to me ingame (Péwi - Silvermoon) of PM here. Alternatively, give me their character names and realms they are on and let me talk to them. Either way, we need some way or reaching out to the 39 community as a whole, and not just within Cyclone!
My feral druid is lvl 38 atm and got the gear in backpack, still need some things to be enchanted.

My name is Darelia on stormrage and might start a solo guild due it's only me who is 39 twink on the server named Atychiphobia so lvl 19 players reconize me.
Ohhai there. Emetophilia here from Silvermoon. I got pretty boored of my rogue due the activitiy, i've never had a non-exp BG. But i would love to come back if more people show up.
Just had confirmation of 3 more inc to Silvermoon, Cyclone, and a further 3 to follow from the same guild once their gear is complete (BoA farm i think). Seems to be picking up, what with some newbies, and old Cycloners coming back to the bracket.


I am up to follow you everywhere. I xfered to Silvermoon to find 39 activity and i will do it again if needed.

Keep up the good work.

Fact (myl ofc).
As far as i know so far, u wont have to move from Silvermoon, as the people showing interest of a revival are already on cyclone (the vast majority anyways).
Just a quick heads up, that my new guild which i intend to make a fresh start with is now up and running, with myself an a couple of mates as GM's.

<LEGEN wait for it DARY>

We will be building our numbers slowly, basing guild acceptance on skill of players ofc, and activity (those who will add to the 39 bracket in the long term)

But i know that <Made You Look> are still running and their members are returning to make an effort or reviving this bracket on cyclone. So there should be sufficient guilds for you to choose from to suit ur needs.

Encouraging more transfers to cyclone ofc to try an make a go of this, hope to see more of you soon.


I will be transfering my 39twink Resto shaman to Cyclone soon.Just wondering where the horde premade guilds are located?
cohnyn said:
I will be transfering my 39twink Resto shaman to Cyclone soon.Just wondering where the horde premade guilds are located?

Ravencrest horde have two 39. guilds, < Panic > (mostly a progressing guild, but got a lot of fully twinked aswell - not super active players most of us) and < Johnny Berlin > aka the elite, where everyone wanna be:)
I'm seffy have a 29 rogue on Cruelty, I did a fight a level 33 boa ret called bagdig at rebel camp - was it you?
elesian said:
I'm seffy have a 29 rogue on Cruelty, I did a fight a level 33 boa ret called bagdig at rebel camp - was it you?

Im druid on Ravencrest, don't think so :p?


Rogue > Druid

so if it was me possible.

Only have shoulders / chest, and a dagger when i lvled my druid but maybe ^^

anyways my rogue will ding 39 very soon, just farming revelosh gloves and fixing enchants then im up, then we can make a new duel :p?
elesian said:
Beat Kopnuss or Russh in arena duel first, then we dance :p

gotta practise vs rogue's jsut dinged 39 :p

though went against this pala friend of mine fully twinked, whom almost beat them both, own'd him big time :p

explanation and i quote: "You play so different than all others" :p

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