u forgot to multiply it by PIfor example, you know 1000 resil have 60%-40%=20% reduction. you want to know the reduction of x resil or any other:
1-((1-20%)^(1/1000))^x+40%=totoal dmg reduction of x resil
for example, you know 1000 resil have 60%-40%=20% reduction. you want to know the reduction of x resil or any other:
1-((1-20%)^(1/1000))^x+40%=totoal dmg reduction of x resil
actually the theory is still very simple...at a certain level, no matter how much resil you have, an additional resil will always reduct the same percentage of the CURRENT dmg you take with the resil you aleady have. (ignore the 40% basic)im gonna use this for the rest of my life.
i think this is one of the first times i have seen theory crafting done with propper math o.0
silly math is good yes, but this is awsome!