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Spent all night testing shit getting prepped for tmrw. Shoutouts to the homies, hope you are all ready for BFA pre patch
Can't wait to find out what specs are going to cause the most crying!
Next expansion people will be decrying “I miss Legion!!”
And the next “popular” private server will be a Legion one.
If BFA doesn't satisfy me, I'd probably still be skipping over to WoD or MoP as reference of enjoyment. Legion is kind-of a shit stain for twinking.
/cheers btwCan’t say I disagree. I hardly played any of my lowbies at all during the Legion expansion.
I may not play them during BFA if it isn’t a worthwhile and fun experience either.
I don’t play WoW simply because have nothing else better to do. I do it because I like it. If I don’t like it I won’t play it.
Can't wait to ditch Legion