Green lens -
I read that Green lens of the sorcerer and Green lens of Striking are craftable; can anyone confirm?
Can Aquamarine and Heavy Silver ring craft into of Striking as well?
How are casters going to sit in this bracket with how powerful Melee are at 39?
29 Brewmaster monks are incredibly broken in the 20-29 bracket. I had an (up-to-date) Grandfathered BiS Geared 39 BM Monk tell me they are not broken due to Guard only giving a 3.5k Absorb in a full AP/Bonus Armor set. Thoughts?
Guardian Druid / Resto Druid as a DPS? Resto druids are incredibly strong in the 20-29 bracket. Extra bonus armor gear for Guardian Druids + Lacerate and extra Falcon Gear for Rdruids. Thoughts?
Holy Priests. How viable do you think they will be? Glyph of Lightwell yes/no?
I read that Green lens of the sorcerer and Green lens of Striking are craftable; can anyone confirm?
Can Aquamarine and Heavy Silver ring craft into of Striking as well?
How are casters going to sit in this bracket with how powerful Melee are at 39?
29 Brewmaster monks are incredibly broken in the 20-29 bracket. I had an (up-to-date) Grandfathered BiS Geared 39 BM Monk tell me they are not broken due to Guard only giving a 3.5k Absorb in a full AP/Bonus Armor set. Thoughts?
Guardian Druid / Resto Druid as a DPS? Resto druids are incredibly strong in the 20-29 bracket. Extra bonus armor gear for Guardian Druids + Lacerate and extra Falcon Gear for Rdruids. Thoughts?
Holy Priests. How viable do you think they will be? Glyph of Lightwell yes/no?