Budget 19 Shaman?

I am rerolling in Ruin and going to make a new 19, a shaman, i want him to be a balanced duel/arena shammy. I will only have my DK main who is 55 right now :p

But i am wondering, since i have been gone for a while what a balanced gear set shammy would look like.

No BoAs i presume? And whats it for, healing or face tearing?

I'd look into something like this

battered jungle hat

talbar mantle, reinforced woolen shoulders

spidersilk drape, satchel cape of sorcerer/elder

WSG neck

Inferno robe, Tree bark jacket [150hp/6stats/7mp5][100hp/4stats]

Crystalline cuffs, 2/2eagle [5mp5/15sp]

Goldflecked/jutebraid, 4/4 eagle [16sp]

Girdle of the Blind Watcher

5/5 eagle, Darkweave breeches, smelting pants [40 armour]

spidersilk boots [5hit/7stam]

lorekeepers ring, seal of faction, lavishly jeweled



Evocators blade [22int]

Buzzer blade [30sp]

Razors edge [20spirit]

Edit: A balanced set would look like


spidersilk drape

inferno [150hp/7mp5]

crystalline, 2/2 [15sp]

goldflecked [16sp]

girdle of the blind watcher

smelting pants, 5/5 eagle

Spidersilk boots [5hit]

WSG ring

Seal of wrynn or lavishly jeweled if you're not draenie



Evocators blade [22int]

Buzzer blade [30sp]

Razors edge [20spirit]

You'll end up with somehing like 1.2k hp, 1.5-1.6k mana, hit cap, 100+ ish spell power
Thanks, ill mix and match that trying to get as much as i can. So i can maximize the gear sets.

Should i have a balanced, healing and spell dmg?
okay just some random input here but

for my weapon slots on my shaman i run

Evocators +22int

Skeletal club +30 sp

and razors edge +20 spirit

[item]Skeletal Club[/item] its an interesting weapon to slot due to the fact that shamans are the most offensive heals ingame, plus buzzer swing speed is lame

Skeletal = burst

Edit: i honestly think im going to run 2-3 clubs to be honest in the near future, one w/ +30 sp and +20 spirit

imo club is legit
u don't need hit to heal, and since shammies do that quite a bit you cannot leave the sorceror gear out even if its not in your main set.
Skeletal club +30 sp

I wouldn't suggest using that weapon, instead I would suggest using Evocators Blade, The 1H axe with 16.1 dps (Alliance) Or the 1H axe that gives 2 hit.

Sorry can't remember names atm.
Well a balanced set kinda implies one thats ready for everything, and on an offensive healer hit is important cos you dont want windshear or Eb missing. Besides its a small sacrifice of stats to get alot of hit on the drape.
hmm i guess, it only takes a sec to switch, i change sets all the time in the middle of mosh pits. just pop over to the side wait a sec and change.
Crilicilyn said:
hmm i guess, it only takes a sec to switch, i change sets all the time in the middle of mosh pits. just pop over to the side wait a sec and change.

warsong is for moshing.
[item]skeletal club[/item] is sexy as an sp wep if youre a more aggresive shaman
Ya im looking towards using a dagger, maybe Skele club with fiery for giggles.

Probably Evo blade. I am mainly going to be doing duels and arenas. Not sure what chest i should use, defias or 6 stats on Inferno
Ive tried skele club, and i dont reckon its worth it. Ive tried it with 30 and ive tried it with lifestealing and sure its a nice melee dps boost, but you wont be getting every swing in and you dont have any moves other than whites that it can proc off. The crit from buzzer is nicer if you're draenie and it boosts your heals, or if you're not squid then smites reaver gives you 3 stam and will free you up a ring slot with its sexy hit rating and let you choose a more dmg orientated ring than lavishly whilst having a stam boost.

Edit; Evoc blade isnt great for SP wep. Int on a SP wep is a wasted stat.

Dont use defias, if you want a stam chest use toughened leather. Inferno is better than both but i would enchant it with 150 hp or 7mp5 if i were you.

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