Bring Shaman back to the 19s

Yeah no kidding, resto needs to be equal along side the other healers, even doing random dungeons I see some shamans struggling on boss fights ;s
Posted my opinion, I really hope this gets fixed, I am a twink Shaman and am also leveling one up for raiding at max level so this would help in every aspect of play.
A good shaman can still hold his own, definatley. But I believe Shamans at this point in time are a bad class choice to roll. Sub-par DPS, terrible healing, terrible survivability. Why bother?
Krazeh Doctor said:
Purj has posted. :p


I've already begun making my paladin. I haven't given up all hope for shaman, but currently, it is not worth playing when there are classes that are roughly 3 times better.

sad to hear that kinda attitude, twinks shouldn't be about playing the 'best' class, but getting the best out whatever class it is that you play. Maybe just me, but I think playing my shaman, which is still very powerful in many aspects of the game, is more fun (challenging) than picking the best class of the moment and rolling that.

Up to you ofc if you just want a change.
Well, I truly love the playstyle of shaman, and I will play my shaman, (I play my shaman even more than my OP mage) but I get frustrated easily when I see a prot or ret paladin out healing me without thinking about it... when I have to use bandaids regularly as a restoration shaman *frustrated face*... I have come up with many ways to make this work, but there is only so much I can do before I feel like I am a handicap to my team. Plus a lot of people feel that shaman should lose Purge at lvl 19 when that is our ONLY great ability right now.

Just me though I suppose.
i honestly dislike ESPECIALLY priests and paladins sayíng "roflwtf purge is OP!!!! :mad:"

come on, whats the matter? even WITHOUT your shield & buffs, your heals are roughly 225% more effective than a shaman's.. rough estimate counting cast time / healing outcome. a hunter or retri paladin can burst an entire minute of what you can pop of healing spells, in roughly 10 seconds. as you noticed, the reason i've been using the word !
chíll said:
i honestly dislike ESPECIALLY priests and paladins sayíng "roflwtf purge is OP!!!! :mad:"

come on, whats the matter? even WITHOUT your shield & buffs, your heals are roughly 225% more effective than a shaman's.. rough estimate counting cast time / healing outcome. a hunter or retri paladin can burst an entire minute of what you can pop of healing spells, in roughly 10 seconds. as you noticed, the reason i've been using the word !

try playing as a druid though.
why? ele and enhance are a joke to kill right now. i don't think i've -ever- gotten killed by a shaman since i've gotten used to my new keybinds, flameshock is just a nuisance keeping me out of stealth.
Shamans are really effective when you travel in a small pack, specifically with guild members or some kind of group that consists of a healer. Both Elemental and Enhance seem to be great when doing this (for me at least). Resto is just a pointless spec at the moment Doctor, just try out Elemental or Enhance before giving up on the class completely. Both specs are amazing compared to the struggles Resto comes with.
I admit that i havent played my shaman as much as other classes recently, however that is because i was being dropped in a matter of seconds in the gulch. I end up with decent enough damage done in BGs, but i was such as easy kill target my deaths rocket. Being DPS'd 1v1 to death by a holy priest is embarrasing.
Windsword said:
why? ele and enhance are a joke to kill right now. i don't think i've -ever- gotten killed by a shaman since i've gotten used to my new keybinds, flameshock is just a nuisance keeping me out of stealth.


Shamans already have quite a wide arsenal of CC.

If they purely get Healing Surge, with what they have already. They'll be at the same level as Holy Paladins currently.

I agree, yes, the main trouble with them is actually getting heals out/keeping team mates up. Can get stuck dead in the water.

Healing Surge shouldn't be available to all Shaman specs, as shouldn't FoL to all Paladin specs in it's current state.

Holy Light and Healing Wave should be the long cast, big number heals, with FoL and Surge being small, quick heals. Not a fan of how it is currently. Again I'll agree that Healing Surge in some form is definitely needed in this bracket.
Kore nametooshort said:
I admit that i havent played my shaman as much as other classes recently, however that is because i was being dropped in a matter of seconds in the gulch. I end up with decent enough damage done in BGs, but i was such as easy kill target my deaths rocket. Being DPS'd 1v1 to death by a holy priest is embarrasing.

I had this problem at first on my Shaman Kore, the way Shaman have to play now you need to be in a small group as said before. Your role now is to support the ones around you with either your totems or by using your Thunderstorm to knock either EFC to your team or to keep enemies off of your FC etc. I like the support play style and don't mind that I can't just pewpewpew on everyone I see, but if your caught by say a good Mage, or a good Rogue it is really tough keeping yourself alive enough to be a effective, just have to play smart and stick with a group of 3 or 4 on Offense or Defense and you'll be fine.
Llare said:
Healing Surge shouldn't be available to all Shaman specs, as shouldn't FoL to all Paladin specs in it's current state.

Holy Light and Healing Wave should be the long cast, big number heals, with FoL and Surge being small, quick heals. Not a fan of how it is currently. Again I'll agree that Healing Surge in some form is definitely needed in this bracket.

tbh i like the way that blizz has changed the heal system in respect to core healing spells, but i really dislike the class specific ones in various cases (wtf is with malfurions gift?!?!)

It wouldnt be possible to remove FoL from rets and prots and the same for shammy dps specs, but it would be possible to make them less powerful. If Healing surge was introduced, but was pretty unpowerful and the shammy specialisation ability was switched to rip tide then Resto shammies would still have decent burst healing with a HS+riptide combo. The same could be done for pallies by nerfing FoL hard and then buffing holy shock to compensate

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