Bring Cata f2p back?

I'd recommend keeping mounts at 60%, it was fine in cata and promoted good positioning.

Considering a backpedaling hunter is almost faster than any 60% ground mount with Concussive Shot on, I would say 100% speed is the way to go, but that's just me I guess.
Putting up enchants for cash on a f2p server, just defeats the whole purpose of the thing. That's really no different from retail.

Imo, putting stuff up like costumes, Xmogs, rare mounts, titles, pets, etc, instead of enchants would make it a lot less pay-to-win and a lot more enjoyable at the same time.
i'd be willing to waste countless hours playing this if you got it started.

enchants weren't that big of a deal in cata so i'd be fine with adding those to the donor list.

also as far as f2p gearing goes and purchasing other donor gear as a f2p you could impliment a type of raid token currency say it takes 20tokens per armor piece, 35 per trinket and 45 per weapon, and these tokens would have a 100% dropchance off of bosses in the stockades/BFD and a 45% chance in WC and a 20% chance in ragefire/deadmines and all mobs in general have a 1% chance to drop a token. this system could also be used for various donor gear and cosmetic items such as santa hats/Titles(keep in mind that there should always be some donor exclusive gear that is unobtainable through using these methods).

also as you mentioned skirmishes it would be nice to see a weekend tournament that would happen twice per day on saturdays and sundays where people could compete for arena titles(3rd place 2nd place and 1st place) and the top team with the most wins recorded during tournament times will be awarded with their title and a special token that allows them to buy any piece of gear or item of donor quality.

also to cater to people that enjoy some pve and gold making for various cosmetics that could be optained through proffessions, you could change gnomer from a dungeon into a raid zone increasing all mobs hp by 300% and damage by 100% ( this will deter people from coming before being properly geared since it will be impossible for them to hit the mobs for reasons i'll explain below, and also it will be a nice change of pace for some) the normal mobs will drop some gold wih a chance for crafting mats and the elite mobs will have the same loot table and a 100% chance of dropping a raid token. the bosses in gnomer will drop various heirlooms cosmetic gear and other items to help boost players effectiveness in pve scenarios, a low chance of dropping mounts and a very very low chance of dropping 1 epic token that can be redeemed to purchase the flying skill.

i also have an idea for legendaries/(demon swords)

lets say theres 1 mob that spawns every 12 hours and it has 3+ different locations that it can spawn at, this mob will be very hard to kill. i'm thinking strong enough so that only dedicated pve groups that have geared up with pve boosting items dropped by the bosses in gnomer would be the only ones able to damage/kill it. the mob will drop a total of 3 gear tokens (redeemable for class specific pve gear) and 1+legendary/demon weapon will randomly be distributed per every 10 people in the raid (so if you have 40 people 4 weapons drop)
as far as the bossfight goes it will not be something simple that people can mindlessly accomplish it will have a massive healthpool and different pahses where the boss will change its attack style and for the time limit i'm thinking the fight will last for around 30minutes, after 30minutes the boss's enrage timer will go off sacrificing the whole group and making the boss un attack able for 10minutes while it devours its sacrifices.

now lets get into the weapons, the effects will vary but a good example of a typical demon sword is a wepaon with insane stats and chance on hit or on use effects but it would come with a penalty, for example -5% of health lost every 3 seconds while in combat. also keep in mind that these items will have no use in battlegrounds or arenas but feel free to lay waste to the masses in world pvp since that's where the fun factor comes in being able to lay waste to people in world combat with an item that is only obtainable through sheer hardwork and a bit of rng. these items wil/shouldl not be obtainable via donating. sidenote: the areas around world boss spawns should be considered a sanctuary to prevent wpvp from interrupting the fight, getting to the boss will be a bloodbath but the fight will be uninterrupted.

oh and i forgot to go indepth on pve gear when i mentioned it earlier, the gear will have a 2/4/5 item gear set 2 and 4 will be your standard pve effect that will boost some damaging abilities or add a proc chance to some of your abilities, and the whole 5 piece set will unlock the "slayer" component, this is what allows you to damage the world boss that drops demon quality weapons.
also i'd like to suggest adding a +100% damage taken from enemy players while wearing 2 or more pieces of pve gear, this will balance out the Pve>pvp gear in arenas and bg's.

well i have plenty more to add like donor exclusive enchants like "bloody steel/spirit of conquest" and others however i'll stop here since originally i was just going to say "good idea" but i got carried away.... so i hope my wall of text proves to be of any help.

Cheers, Hü

[MENTION=14479]Mephisto[/MENTION] man your sig is the perfect example of what i'm talking about towards the bottom of this wall of text xD
wtb real legendaries in wow not the lame shit they have right now.
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i'd be willing to waste countless hours playing this if you got it started.

also as you mentioned skirmishes it would be nice to see a weekend tournament that would happen twice per day on saturdays and sundays where people could compete for arena titles(3rd place 2nd place and 1st place) and the top team with the most wins recorded during tournament times will be awarded with their title and a special token that allows them to buy any piece of gear or item of donor quality.

If this idea goes through I'm in. Also Hu should be paid accordingly
Hey i made a same looking thread in the private server section so please dont transfer this one.. , i have developing several servers .. but recently i started to miss old cata f2p alot ..
So now im asking you guys, would you join the server if i took some time to make one?
I was thinking

Level 20 cap

100% mounts

Cheaper looms

Free name,faction change

Donate for p2p enchants

No costum items or such things ,

whos interested?

How about NO ?!
FFS stop trying to reinvent the wheel

or just install a TBC like server
roll to 20
get gear from dung
cap profs @100

and all the wrath and cattleclysm newbies will finally get a chance to play a way how WoW was supposed to be played
Too much negative feedbacks , idea put down for now.

guess you didn't see my reply, and if this small amount of negative feedback is enough to put you down then you really have no place trying to manage a private server.
guess you didn't see my reply, and if this small amount of negative feedback is enough to put you down then you really have no place trying to manage a private server.

This doesn't surprise me. I could sense his lack of management skills the moment I read the first sentence.

People that don't realise cata gameplay was as bad as now.

+1. Unless balance changes were made in terms of nerfing multiple classes it's not really a good bracket to use for a server. Although most if not all classes and specs were viable, they were all shut down by just a few classes which took away a lot of the balance and fun. Nerf the specific overpowered classes and the bracket could have a chance.

Someone is willing to produce something that you probably wouldn't think of doing on your own. The initial ideas aren't the best, so help think of better ones instead of degrading the OP.

If I had to guess you probably haven't checked in on twink private servers for the past 2+ years.

The OP here is EXACTLY like every other owner I've seen trying to make a twink server judging by his post of features and ideas. He appears to know zip about the bracket and possibly zip about server management.

I can see this guy hiring the wrong people for staff and overall making bad judgement calls in terms of balance, features, and overall server quality.

I've seen this exact pattern too many times in the past 2 years.
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small amount of negative feedback? i think u meant small amount of positive feedback*.

in regards to the topic this is indeed a small amount of feedback regardless of it being positive or negative.
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Sounds good, except for the p2p chants, 100% mounts, cata, and the private server.

I would like to retract the "private server" part of my above quote; criticizing a private server for being a private server isn't being fair. Far from positive critique, anyway. I just gave you a filp answer because of my distrust of private servers in general and my hatred of pay-to-win games. The part about selling p2p enchants, was honestly the opposipe of what I wanted to hear.

But, I really like that you have the initiative do something, and thought this forum might be a good place to get feedback. So here's what I would be interested in:

A faithful snapshot of one of the patches in 4.x, with all f2p restrictions relevant to pvp are enabled, level cap 20, no p2p enchants, guild BoAs, consumables, et. al. Cosmetic items, p2p only pets, and mog gear would be sold in the store for profit. If you need more information about what excatly the state of the game was like at that time, I'm sure we could come up with some info for you, if you truely are interested.

The one exception to the accurate replication of 4.x, might be a thoughtful nerf to balance hunters, or an all out ban in battlegrounds would be something to look into, or maybe you could make a separate "no hunters bracket".

Conversely, a hunters only bracket might also be interesting — you could call it Call of Warcraft© (if you pay me for the rights which I just now copyrighted with that symbol right there). Good luck!
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