Sounds good, except for the p2p chants, 100% mounts, cata, and the private server.
I would like to retract the "private server" part of my above quote; criticizing a private server for being a private server isn't being fair. Far from positive critique, anyway. I just gave you a filp answer because of my distrust of private servers in general and my hatred of pay-to-win games. The part about selling p2p enchants, was honestly the opposipe of what I wanted to hear.
But, I really like that you have the initiative do something, and thought this forum might be a good place to get feedback. So here's what I
would be interested in:
A faithful snapshot of one of the patches in 4.x, with all f2p restrictions
relevant to pvp are enabled, level cap 20, no p2p enchants, guild BoAs, consumables, et. al. Cosmetic items, p2p only pets, and mog gear would be sold in the store for profit. If you need more information about what excatly the state of the game was like at that time, I'm sure we could come up with some info for you, if you truely are interested.
The one exception to the accurate replication of 4.x, might be a thoughtful nerf to balance hunters, or an all out ban in battlegrounds would be something to look into, or maybe you could make a separate "no hunters bracket".
Conversely, a hunters only bracket might also be interesting — you could call it Call of Warcraft© (if you pay me for the rights which I just now copyrighted with that symbol right there). Good luck!