bring back before the merge twinking please

I've concluded that the only reason to play a caster is not to deal dmg. Aside from Shadow priests who are probably the only casters who can keep up in damage with the melee(but have absolutely no CC), you might as well play a Hunter.
NJ now I expect to see more enh shamans and rogues/warrios because of your crying.
It aint crying. This is twinkinfo. "info". It's stating a fact. Caster's damage isn't viable outside of Shadow priests. Normally I would say they are a utility class, but at 39 most classes already have so much CC. If you wanna be ranged with CC, just play a hunter. at least they do damage that can keep up with melee. Not to mention they can give out 3 raid buffs vs some classes only give 0-2.
And to be more accurate. you forgot monks.
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It is a sad state of affairs for sure, but hopefully we can still make it work for us. 19s were able to ban the stuff that isn't balanced, we should be able to as well. If you can stomach playing a cc class because you like playing the objectives, I think frost mage offers a lot of cc, slows and roots, which would be invaluable in a bracket that is clearly going to be melee heavy.
It aint crying. This is twinkinfo. "info". It's stating a fact. Caster's damage isn't viable outside of Shadow priests. Normally I would say they are a utility class, but at 39 most classes already have so much CC. If you wanna be ranged with CC, just play a hunter. at least they do damage that can keep up with melee. Not to mention they can give out 3 raid buffs vs some classes only give 0-2.
And to be more accurate. you forgot monks.

not all hunters give 3 raid buffs. you have to be bm and 90% of the bracket plays surv atm

shadow priests, mages, and warlocks aren't "not viable"
these are twinks dime.. you actually think 90% of twinks roll twinks to play utility/harder to make viable classes? nope. why do you think healers are in short supply in most brackets. remember elemental shamans? seen them recently? how often do you see a mage in bgs? ive played 29's the last year+ and maybe seen mages 3 times and they usually ended up swapping classes because they were getting wrecked by a feral or warrior or enh sham.

When a prot warrior can outdps an afflic lock 80k to 30k and the only way to keep the lock alive is to spam heals the entire time because a resto shaman who tries to do 1 lava burst means the lock is 1 swing away from death from full health then something is very broken in the twinking world.

I ran elemental shaman only for years on end back when twinking was tree talents and the only fotm was a hunter/rogue but they could be dealt with by casters who knew how to play enough to make it a 50/50 or better. Now to do half the dmg of any melee class now not only does ele sham have to cast 15 times and still be alive by that point but the dmg output from any melee will double or triple that and they dont have to wait 15 casts to do it...

low level twinking is purely melee based and it sucks because players who want to play competitively are basically forced to heal or roll a fotm.

I used to arena elemental shaman and afflic warlock and we rarely lost because of solid cc and burst dmg but we had to play extremely well to win against any fotm. elemental sham and subt rogue we used to beat brumble and his priest(they won more but still shows my point that if played extremely well can beat fotm classes)
You put elemental shaman in arena and its a joke. I play resto shaman now because elemental isnt viable in any form of pvp. before elemental shamans went to the shitter at 29 me and my buddy on his mage used to wreck anything we focus fired with pure burst but now its laughable at the dmg we put out.

I'd like to think you have an open mind and actually can see how one-sided twinking is, but from seeing the classes you've been on, I already know your mindset on it. Just sad that blizz has screwed up the balance at low lvl so much over the years. Just frustrating that i can't play the class I loved playing anymore. I'd imagine it'd be the same for other twinks if they didnt care only about being OP.

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