Brainstorming recruiting ideas

Migrating to Ruin strikes me as a bandaid on a mortal wound. Sure, we got pops for now, but players are sure to retire eventually. Meanwhile, new players in other battlegroups aren't even going to know what a twink is. You know, a real XP-off twink.

I don't think that we can count on getting enough new blood just from people who happen to start out in Ruin. So how do we ensure that Ruin isn't as dead as the other Battlegroups in a couple of years?

Other than trolling the other battle group forums with recruiting posts, I'm kind of stumped. Any ideas for recruiting new players from other battle groups?
This is one of the only downsides of moving everyone to same BGroup. But.

I don't think it will be such a major issue in the long run, if the recruitement to the single BGroup is large enough. Hence:

All french, germans, spanish, english twinks from all over the place have moved to the same Realm in EU (mostly, a few resist but we keep speaking our propaganda) thereby all who they know, know where they are, and that theres active twinks there.

They might know others that might be interrested in twinking etc, and tell it forward. That's how the word got spread in EU after we started chatting up the people we knew.

In a few years, twinking might be completely unknown in other BGroups (Bare in mind, if wow still exists then). If that's the case, we'll have to take the issue up then I think.

Anyone got any other thoughts on this?
encorebroz said:
when wow ends imma go play star wars online, whos wit me?

Wait, what?

Anyway, it would prolly be Aion I'd try if wow were to "go offline". But, who knows what new games are out there in a few years :)
encorebroz said:
when wow ends imma go play star wars online, whos wit me?
Me, there's a 90% chance of this.

Regarding the issue, Blizzard might merge the battlegroups someday fixing it.
Personally I think it's total garbage to transfer to one battle group for twinks such as

" Ruin " It's like there is alot of activity going on Vengence right now ware I reside on my 19 Twink.

I put it like this. The people who havn't transferd to Ruin, probably won't. Not trying to say they are. But people with the recruiting post all over the Battle Group forums on World of Warcraft Community Site website with dozens of recruiting post I think is useless. I understand your trying to get your guild out there. But It's preatty ridiculous when people recruit for ruin, your killin' all the other battle groups. Yes, some are dead. Meening no twinking activity going on but there are some battle groups such as vengence who has premades going on and are active. And when you recruit there it's killin' activity.
There is no downside to having twinks move to a specific battlegroup for each bracket. Recruiting needs to continue and new ways to recruit will come naturally over time. Twinking (19) will never die out as long as people continue to move to Ruin if they plan on twinking in the bracket.
I can't wait for Dragonball Online to go live... it'll be fun blasting thru people.

back to the topic.

i agree, switching battlegroup is only a temporary cure, proof is that half of those who switched to ruin actually left the twinking scene not long after it. but it is a solution like any others, but those who say its enough to keep twinking alive are just not seeing the real problem ahead. and thus when they'll be facing it wont be even knowing how to solve it. simply because it will be too late.

heres the run down of the problems we have... the major ones...

- Battlegroups not having enough people to queue

- The community got separated in 2 factions, XP ON / XP OFF

- Half the community left without giving twinking a single chance at getting better.

those are the 3 major problems we have and even if many of you guys thinks that all 3 are related to the same problem, they really aren't ! heres the why i say they really aren't...

Solution, all switch to ruin.

- It wont bring back those XP ON twinks we need in XP OFF.

- It wont stop people from leaving because of queues being way too high on XP OFF.

thus that solution is only temporary for it solve only 1 of the real problems.

in other words we need a way better solution then switching Battlegroups.

and thats where advertising comes forth.

- It allow for more players to join battlegroups, and the more the easier queues will be.

- It replaces those who leaves, thus assuring new blood in twinking and thus the survival of twinking is assured.

- It nets more people into the competition that is XP OFF and thus assure more twinks into queueing for XP OFF BGs.

1 solution, solving all the problems.

of course its a long term solution because most of you dont want to advertise at all, but thats where we stand, if we want to twinking to be back to its former glory.

i completely agree with the other guy. we need to advertise right now before its too late !
Everyone play only on private server's and boycott WoW till they implement cross battlegroup PvP. Hey, we know how money hungry they are and if ALL of us left temporarily they won't be able to snort their gold infused cocaine on platinum plated baaaaaaalls of *insert any valuable metal or metaloid here*... so Yeah,

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