

I'm very frustrated atm. I've tried every single class but it always get's boring after a while. I had the BiS gear (discluding looms) on most of the classes but like I said it always gets boring and repetitive.
Can anyone suggest to me a class that's fun to play, good at dps and doesn't get owned by hunters (at least) ?
Prot pal maybe? but since endgame is only lvl 20 pvp, your going to get bored sooner or later, if you get bored super fast you should probaly upgrade or find a new mmo as trial wow isnt the most satisfying, but we don't complain because its free :)
My advice, discover new questing zones: if you were alliance, switch to horde etc (do zones you didn't quest in).

Ii love redridge & westfall, alliance side.

You can also try to solo stuff ; and yes doing a pause is also great, stop playing some weeks month, you will like it again later.

The real danger with wow is that it can take over all your free time and when you're bored you can easily get depressed (since it used to fill your whole entertaining time) ; you shouldn't only play wow & have other activities, like sports, cards, etc, i don't know somthing you like (it's different for everyone).
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You can also try to solo stuff ; and yes doing a pause is also great, stop playing some weeks month, you will like it again later.

The real danger with wow is that it can take over all your free time and when you're bored you can easily get depressed (since it used to fill your whole entertaining time) ; you shouldn't only play wow & have other activities, like sports, cards, etc, i don't know somthing you like (it's different for everyone).

This is exactly what happens. People get bored of the game and say "Now what?", but they still feel like they need to log in.

I'm very frustrated atm. I've tried every single class but it always get's boring after a while.

Can anyone suggest to me a class that's fun to play, good at dps and doesn't get owned by hunters (at least) ?

Time to do something different. I've been getting bored of World of Warcraft as well. I started playing Poker. I don't want to log in again until the DMF starts. When you're Mindthrust Bracers and a Lucky Fishing Hat away from truly being BiS, the game becomes a job.
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Bordem is Exactly why WoW created DMF, Hallows Eve, Brewfest, Lunar Crap, Valentines Love stuff, etc... etc...
and Owned by Hunters!!!
I am so sick of hearing that!
a best in slot Prot Pally
" " " Druid
" " " Priest can ALL DPS and out heal a hunters DPS and might take 2-3 mins but you can beat most hunters.
Our focus is limited and after our initial burst we are using auto shot for minimal damage while you blast off some heals and do 'some' DPS against us.
ALL 100% viable 1 on 1 vs Hunters.
yes hunters with range will lead most BGs but night after night in the wee hours at Guru Arena, I'm being beaten by Pallys Priest and an occasional Druid.
"My advice, discover new questing zones: if you were alliance, switch to horde etc (do zones you didn't quest in)."
this is always good too.
start multiboxing
doesn't get owned by hunters (at least) ?

Realistically, you will almost never fight a hunter in this bracket who actually knows how to skillcap. Just because hunters are the most OP class does not mean you should be getting owned by them.

I've even seen bizr and tbagr take down hunters 1v1.

As far as good dps, all classes can produce good dps. But the amount of DPS that someone can produce changes depending on the person who's playing the class.

Druids are fun for me, Feral would probably bore me if I tried it.
Bordem is Exactly why WoW created DMF, Hallows Eve, Brewfest, Lunar Crap, Valentines Love stuff, etc... etc...
and Owned by Hunters!!!
I am so sick of hearing that!
a best in slot Prot Pally
" " " Druid
" " " Priest can ALL DPS and out heal a hunters DPS and might take 2-3 mins but you can beat most hunters.
Our focus is limited and after our initial burst we are using auto shot for minimal damage while you blast off some heals and do 'some' DPS against us.
ALL 100% viable 1 on 1 vs Hunters.
yes hunters with range will lead most BGs but night after night in the wee hours at Guru Arena, I'm being beaten by Pallys Priest and an occasional Druid.
"My advice, discover new questing zones: if you were alliance, switch to horde etc (do zones you didn't quest in)."
this is always good too.

ffs every post I've seen you make lately has complained about how you think hunters aren't overpowered. They are, get over it.

On topic, on topic, I would reccomend playing a Druid or shammy, something that is versatile and keep you interested.
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O/T: I don't think a good BM Hunter should lose to a Priest if you can retain your focus and use Intimidation when Weakened Soul is up you can definitely put forth a lot of pressure.
ffs every post I've seen you make lately has complained about how you think hunters aren't overpowered. They are, get over it.

I've only been here for like 2 days but i've already noticed hunters aren't as amazing as everyone says they are ._.

For the passed 5 warsong gulch matches our team has been up against 5 or more hunters with 1-2 or so paladins while we barely had any hunters. K.

For the passed 5 warsong gulch matches our team has won. K... wait wut?

I'm rolling in deep on my druid. If your team actually decides to co-operate and some players actually have grasp of some skill it's not hard to take down and seperate some hunters that think they're hard kills. Frankly the majority of them have been pretty easy kills.

My last game a belf hunter grabbed the flag twice and I had followed her both times all the way back to her base, first time she was alone. all it took was a root and some quick hits and she was gone. Second she was with a druid and a paladin. The druid found me lurking and continued to chase me. I wizzed round the corner and took him out. HoT'd and took down the paladin that was approaching. The hunter managed to cap but i still got her kill a few seconds afterwards (although i died shortly after that too :eek: )

So why are hunters marked as SO OP OMG WE CANNOT WIN!?!?!

I rest my case.

On-Topic: Why not try out for achievements, titles and so forth? ;) that's always a bucket worth of fun!
LOL dont multibox its boring
Bordem is Exactly why WoW created DMF, Hallows Eve, Brewfest, Lunar Crap, Valentines Love stuff, etc... etc...
and Owned by Hunters!!!
I am so sick of hearing that!
a best in slot Prot Pally
" " " Druid
" " " Priest can ALL DPS and out heal a hunters DPS and might take 2-3 mins but you can beat most hunters.
Our focus is limited and after our initial burst we are using auto shot for minimal damage while you blast off some heals and do 'some' DPS against us.
ALL 100% viable 1 on 1 vs Hunters.
yes hunters with range will lead most BGs but night after night in the wee hours at Guru Arena, I'm being beaten by Pallys Priest and an occasional Druid.
"My advice, discover new questing zones: if you were alliance, switch to horde etc (do zones you didn't quest in)."
this is always good too.

Are you seriously defending hunters? I'd like to see you play a mage or warrior, then come back to me and tell me hunters aren't overpowered. PLEASE.
There are very few hunters that i've seen that aren't awful. 99% of them are very bad. Keeping pet specials on auto, scatter shotting me when i'm at 90% HP, backpeddling, etc. Most of them just want to farm mid and rarely if ever will play for objectives.

I remember playing 29s on WW and there was a hunter that would play pretty much naked except for weapons and pet and would still destroy people.
Are you seriously defending hunters? I'd like to see you play a mage or warrior, then come back to me and tell me hunters aren't overpowered. PLEASE.

I heard Boomkin > Hunter

I say play a war. Yes they are tough and I ragequit often but still one of the most fun classes in the bracket hands down.

I'd say bal druid comes in at a close second. Followed by feral cause manglespam is beast

Oh incidentally speaking of bad hunters I went 3v1 against some horrible hunters last night, and won at over 50%. That's how bad most hunters are. Once you start fucking with they're line of sight then they aren't so scary :)
Play something different like a stam-stacking demo warlock or a crit stacking prot warrior. Experiment a little, you don't always have to roll the same cookie-cutter classes that are so common.
90% of people who lose to hunters try to run away from them instead of going twords them and trying to kill them

shadow priest are very fun, i played one myself at 19 before cata tho, will prob reroll cuz they are so fun

they also pwn hunters if u have good gear and know how to play

dot them, keep ur bubble and renew up, then when you have time inbetween cast mind flay and mind blast, if that is what shadow priest have for 20 im not exactly sure, since i havent played once since wotlk

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