Bracket wide activities at all time low.

29's were probably the most fun for me as well as most balanced. 39's were decent..Got bored of resto druid though.
29s HP to damage ratio is by far the best and all healers are viable (in arenas ofc) although more interest tends to lay within 39s with some classes being far superior to others
this is true
You're missing the point completely. You said: no competition, no actiivity. The 20-24 bracket is largely uncompetitive, and they have the most activity.

No, I understand... I'm just letting you know my discontentedness with the idea It's active because it utilizes an already large player base in the f2p bracket. 19s have been surviving off of competitive standings alone for a minute now, bro bro. People that perpetuate the care-bear, who cares if you're bad attitude kill brackets like that. But I'm sure you guys will get activity again. Just not ever as decent as it once was unless someone does something on the scale of what crusade did, again.

What I'm trying to say here, tinks. Is you guys need to sharpen your tongues.

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