The strength of this bracket was always its tight knit community, now it seems to hinder us, as people are less and less motivated to engage in large events like pugmades out of fear of performing poorly. Its pathetic and the bracket needs to mature right away.
This expansion has shown some great balance of classes, yet far less premade action than last xpac, why is this? Has real ID made twinks that lazy?
The return of Tombradys pugmades needs to happen, as well as heavy arena activity.
Youre probably wondering the point of this thread? Its quite simple really I just want to play 2v2 and im sick of getting dodged so will anybody please play me fucknin hell ill mirror u ill do anything just play me i hate warsong so bad
This expansion has shown some great balance of classes, yet far less premade action than last xpac, why is this? Has real ID made twinks that lazy?
The return of Tombradys pugmades needs to happen, as well as heavy arena activity.
Youre probably wondering the point of this thread? Its quite simple really I just want to play 2v2 and im sick of getting dodged so will anybody please play me fucknin hell ill mirror u ill do anything just play me i hate warsong so bad