Can a mod close this thread? "Discussions" like these aren't new anyway...
@ Phrontistery , Eriwen , Drayner , The Saint , leotseddap & Kilda
Your ''generalizing'' things or clinging on to some technicalities does not change the truth or deminish my words.
I see you keep bringing premading into discution. When was the last tine when you saw me premading may i ask?
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People! Just WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL!? This thread started as a discussion about healing nerf, not as another P2P VS F2P. IF YOU WANT to talk about A is right and B is wrong - go to F2P forum, that's all they do there anyway! Seriously, stop it already - I'm beginning to think that we are in a political meeting between Liberals and Conservatives. Everything you believe is right, the other party believes is wrong - and NOTHING is going to change it. Go ahead write an essay, nobody will get it anyway - thus I ask you fine Gentlemen: TO. GET. OVER. IT.
Thank you for your time.
P.S Mods I beg of you, close this thread..
And Exactly how do I report?
And as for Bitching - you seem to be quite fluent in it yourself (just to point it out - you are no saint here either)
I still do?
Since i've created the horde rogue i've totally ditched the "famous" eyepath shadowmeld rogue. I'm on an empty realm with only a RL friend of mine. But if queueing with that friend you call premade, then yes, i'm still premading when he is online![]()
Anyway, i'm pro premading in a bracket full of 24's i don't deny that.
Also yeah, for me "losing isnt an option" even if i'm queueing alone or not because i play to win.
Anyway i dont know who your f2ps or p2ps are and id really like to know them![]()
Ps: swiftness can be farmed by every f2p. They are lazy? So be it, not my fault. Give me back Shadowstep or Sprint and i won't need swiftness anymore. On the other hand those gay enchants are not obtainable by f2p's --> you know what.
If all these f2p's that dont already have p2p accounts like me, will pay 12 e/ month you'd have no bracket to show your muscles on or do you believe they'll stay at 20-24? Lol
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Still i don't get one thing mate. You dislike what is going here with all these political debates as you call them but still you're reading it.
Why can't you ignore it? Just saying.
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If all these f2p's that dont already have p2p accounts like me, will pay 12 e/ month you'd have no bracket to show your muscles on or do you believe they'll stay at 20-24? Lol
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Because maybe some of us came to discuss here about the actual healing nerf? Problem is, it's kinda hard when 20+ pages of this thread is pretty much about eternal circle of hate between P2P vs F2P. Yet in the end, you are asking me to ignore these people? Let me tell you how this would have looked in real life:
Sir nr 1,2,3,4 and 5 are chilling out (like bauses btw), discussing the latest news about "something". The discussion is going smoothly, and several cups of tea are consumed in process. Suddenly, a gorilla jumps into the house and starts yelling " ME BEST YOU WORST, HUKA-HUKA". Respectfully, the Sirs nr 4,5 are disagreeing, saying "my good sir, your statement is totally wrong. And there is no need to yell in this mighty house" - however not matter how hard they try, they are unable to convince the monkey that he is wrong in his statement. Thus a new so called "discussion" is born, which in reality is nothing more than a blatant absurd, where statements like these are flying around: "My D is bigger than your because REASONS!" The lamest part about it all was that: THEIR discussion did not belong in the house - it did not belong in the sanctuary for Gentlemen!
The Sirs nr 1,2 and 3, not wanting to join the discussion are forced to stay in the shadows - in THEIR OWN GOD DAMN house! Can you believe it!? But the problem isn't even here! You have to wait for the worst of it!
As the lesser beings still discussed about who's D is the biggest - the late nr 6 enters the house. That fine Sir wanted to share his opinions, as well as listen to opinions the others have to offer - however, he was unable to do so! The Sirs 1, 2 and 3 have long ago abandoned the house - a house THEY made in hopes of creating legitimate discussions about "the pressing issues of the future". And as he's unable to share his tickling thoughts with the upper echelons of society, he has nothing left to do but to respectfully explain to the lower ones: "it doesn't matter who has the biggest D - what matters is that none of you will agree to it! Thus I ask you fine gentlemen, to cease this useless struggle of genitals! Move on with your life - and let the others move on with theirs!"
I know what you are thinking - why did sir nr 6 join this useless discussion, he should have followed the example of the Sirs nr 1, 2 and 3. However, sir nr 6 was different - he was thinking ahead. In fact, a thought crossed his mind: "what if there will be others like me?" After that realization, Sir 6 understood that he had to jump into the fray - not for himself, but for those who would come after him..... (sad music starts to play) He just wanted to save the house.
Sorry for bad englando - no copy pasterino, amigo.
Because maybe some of us came to discuss here about the actual healing nerf? Problem is, it's kinda hard when 20+ pages of this thread is pretty much about eternal circle of hate between P2P vs F2P. Yet in the end, you are asking me to ignore these people? Let me tell you how this would have looked in real life:
Sir nr 1,2,3,4 and 5 are chilling out (like bauses btw), discussing the latest news about "something". The discussion is going smoothly, and several cups of tea are consumed in process. Suddenly, a gorilla jumps into the house and starts yelling " ME BEST YOU WORST, HUKA-HUKA". Respectfully, the Sirs nr 4,5 are disagreeing, saying "my good sir, your statement is totally wrong. And there is no need to yell in this mighty house" - however not matter how hard they try, they are unable to convince the monkey that he is wrong in his statement. Thus a new so called "discussion" is born, which in reality is nothing more than a blatant absurd, where statements like these are flying around: "My D is bigger than your because REASONS!" The lamest part about it all was that: THEIR discussion did not belong in the house - it did not belong in the sanctuary for Gentlemen!
The Sirs nr 1,2 and 3, not wanting to join the discussion are forced to stay in the shadows - in THEIR OWN GOD DAMN house! Can you believe it!? But the problem isn't even here! You have to wait for the worst of it!
As the lesser beings still discussed about who's D is the biggest - the late nr 6 enters the house. That fine Sir wanted to share his opinions, as well as listen to opinions the others have to offer - however, he was unable to do so! The Sirs 1, 2 and 3 have long ago abandoned the house - a house THEY made in hopes of creating legitimate discussions about "the pressing issues of the future". And as he's unable to share his tickling thoughts with the upper echelons of society, he has nothing left to do but to respectfully explain to the lower ones: "it doesn't matter who has the biggest D - what matters is that none of you will agree to it! Thus I ask you fine gentlemen, to cease this useless struggle of genitals! Move on with your life - and let the others move on with theirs!"
I know what you are thinking - why did sir nr 6 join this useless discussion, he should have followed the example of the Sirs nr 1, 2 and 3. However, sir nr 6 was different - he was thinking ahead. In fact, a thought crossed his mind: "what if there will be others like me?" After that realization, Sir 6 understood that he had to jump into the fray - not for himself, but for those who would come after him..... (sad music starts to play) He just wanted to save the house.
Sorry for bad englando - no copy pasterino, amigo.
Because maybe some of us came to discuss here about the actual healing nerf? Problem is, it's kinda hard when 20+ pages of this thread is pretty much about eternal circle of hate between P2P vs F2P. Yet in the end, you are asking me to ignore these people? Let me tell you how this would have looked in real life:
Sir nr 1,2,3,4 and 5 are chilling out (like bauses btw), discussing the latest news about "something". The discussion is going smoothly, and several cups of tea are consumed in process. Suddenly, a gorilla jumps into the house and starts yelling " ME BEST YOU WORST, HUKA-HUKA". Respectfully, the Sirs nr 4,5 are disagreeing, saying "my good sir, your statement is totally wrong. And there is no need to yell in this mighty house" - however not matter how hard they try, they are unable to convince the monkey that he is wrong in his statement. Thus a new so called "discussion" is born, which in reality is nothing more than a blatant absurd, where statements like these are flying around: "My D is bigger than your because REASONS!" The lamest part about it all was that: THEIR discussion did not belong in the house - it did not belong in the sanctuary for Gentlemen!
The Sirs nr 1,2 and 3, not wanting to join the discussion are forced to stay in the shadows - in THEIR OWN GOD DAMN house! Can you believe it!? But the problem isn't even here! You have to wait for the worst of it!
As the lesser beings still discussed about who's D is the biggest - the late nr 6 enters the house. That fine Sir wanted to share his opinions, as well as listen to opinions the others have to offer - however, he was unable to do so! The Sirs 1, 2 and 3 have long ago abandoned the house - a house THEY made in hopes of creating legitimate discussions about "the pressing issues of the future". And as he's unable to share his tickling thoughts with the upper echelons of society, he has nothing left to do but to respectfully explain to the lower ones: "it doesn't matter who has the biggest D - what matters is that none of you will agree to it! Thus I ask you fine gentlemen, to cease this useless struggle of genitals! Move on with your life - and let the others move on with theirs!"
I know what you are thinking - why did sir nr 6 join this useless discussion, he should have followed the example of the Sirs nr 1, 2 and 3. However, sir nr 6 was different - he was thinking ahead. In fact, a thought crossed his mind: "what if there will be others like me?" After that realization, Sir 6 understood that he had to jump into the fray - not for himself, but for those who would come after him..... (sad music starts to play) He just wanted to save the house.
Sorry for bad englando - no copy pasterino, amigo.
TLR Why should I ignore people who do not belong in this thread? If you want to discuss issues about F2P vs P2P, go ahead nobody is stopping you, however do it in RELEVANT threads. Hell go and start a thread with the tittle "F2P $W@g 2much skill 360 N0$C0P3 you P2Ps - also "peep" you!" I'm sure you will be able to discuss related issues to your hearts content. However, do not try to drag others into that discussion by talking about it on different threads.
Thank you for your time Gentlemen
Oh Nodaka....
I do not want to hear that from you, who pretty much has to comment on anything and everything! Not to mention how you pretty much beg for recognition. I've seen a lot of comments like these from you. Hell I remember the last one too! The one where people talked about how warriors sucked in this bracket - and then you jump into the fray by posting a screenshot how you were as a p2p Pwning 1100 health geared people with your "mighty" warrior, saying pretty much "it is possible to own with warrior if you are me /stroke that e peen."
As for myself: sometimes you have to write a lot to show your point. Although I'm not expecting you to understand - kinda like "Cuz I don't give a fuk/Cuz bored as fk" thread you made...
You forget a thing my dear, a Genteman and a Sir would never take an advantage over anything, they would go the sportmanship's way, they are Sir's and Gentleman's afterall and not only that they're aware that without the "monkey/gorilla" as you poetically call it, there would not be a house to chit-chat over some tea, isnt it?
Thus, the above sentence invalidates your whole wall of text imo. Was a good read tho, made me smile![]()