Bracket Imbalance

Whats the point of having such an active and open guild if you're going to depend on pugs to ensure competitive games when you could simply que a 5man and be done with it? I think you're the one whos trolling here mate

At the moment, all 10-19 bracket US needs are active pops, and an active community to give two fucks about queing up daily/regularly. Games have been competitive (in my experience) as a level 10 g druid. I'll admit, this may change when I am 19 however; any activity is better than none.

I'll admit, queing into teams with multiple OP or FOTM classes isn't good however, with available sources like Saxxon's vent and WoW Pub Vent, you the pug have enough time to get into it before the BG starts

Just my 2 copper.
zzzz I just don't believe a guild with over 100 members or how ever much you guys have cant field a viable 5man to ensure you guys stop getting stomped in pugs.

Not trying to turn anything you said against you just trying to get a grip on how and why you are complaining about pugs in your position atm.

We don't always have 3 healers and an FC on to ensure we can bring everything ally needs to the table, we are working on it. Honestly tho, your confusing initiative with complaint.

If 19s could muster more than two pops at a time, this thread would be a waist of time.
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At the moment, all 10-19 bracket US needs are active pops, and an active community to give two fucks about queing up daily/regularly. Games have been competitive (in my experience) as a level 10 g druid. I'll admit, this may change when I am 19 however; any activity is better than none.

I'll admit, queing into teams with multiple OP or FOTM classes isn't good however, with available sources like Saxxon's vent and WoW Pub Vent, you the pug have enough time to get into it before the BG starts

Just my 2 copper.

Yeah exactly, I've been having fun the past week with pugs was just shocked that someone was complaining/trying to get pugs to change (which wont happen whether you like it or not - Refer to that Squidy dudes rogue thread)
Yeah exactly, I've been having fun the past week with pugs was just shocked that someone was complaining/trying to get pugs to change (which wont happen whether you like it or not - Refer to that Squidy dudes rogue thread)

All I really ask anyone who PUGs, Alliance or Horde. At the moment; we don't have enough people to que unless regulars que. If you want more balance, tell people to roll unpopular/unloved classes. Be that G Druid in the 10-19 bracket. BE THE FUCKING HEALER THAT GETS GANKED BY THE ROGUES IN BATTLEGROUNDS. You want "BALANCE" as a player?! Roll the classes no one wants too, and stick too it.

This, is, why, I am, a G DRUID. And always will be at the moment. (until I hit 19 ;) )

Hey, just wanted to pop in and mention that, in addition to stillwater's signet, there is also Ring of pardons - Ring of Pardons - Item - World of Warcraft

Also it would be great if, at the very least, those of us who have rogues (me) or other overused classes try to roll an extra toon to run on occasion. I've talked to 3 or 4 people recently who mentioned wanting to start twinking in the 10-19 bracket as a rogue, and have told them they should at least have a backup twink to play because rogues are so popular at the moment.

P.S. - Hi I'm new, you've probably played with me. Ixyl - rogue, Xiel - Priest
I used to eat 20- 24 rogues for breakfast on my f2p priest before the took away all my spells. It seems like if rogues are the problem, then just make a new fotm to punish them for being rogues.

I'm not in the bracket yet, but it seems like things you could do with your strat, or comp to out play them. A frost mage, BM monk and lots of druids come to mind. I'm not current with the meta, but you get the idea.

Maybe put a general recruitment thread for the bracket with what classes are needed on what factions and why. Instead of trying to shame players out of playing the classes they like, just make it real hard on them. Unless you have a class like god mode hunters in the 20-24 bracket, it could work.
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I used to eat 20- 24 rogues for breakfast on my f2p priest before the took away all my spells. It seems like if rogues are the problem, then just make a new fotm to punish them for being rogues.

I'm not in the bracket yet, but it seems like things you could do with your strat, or comp to out play them. A frost mage, BM monk and lots of druids come to mind. I'm not current with the meta, but you get the idea.

Maybe put a general recruitment thread for the bracket with what classes are needed on what factions and why. Instead of trying to shame players out of playing the classes they like, just make it real hard on them. Unless you have a class like god mode hunters in the 20-24 bracket, it could work.

Got a couple more questions:

1) Which faction needs people the most?

2) Which faction needs healers the most?
cough cough im here as healer just dont like the horde premade ques >.< (im a horde healer check my sig for my 19 priest)
What bracket has an imbalance? Between the selfish people and the moderator(s) calling for "going out with a bang", there hasn't been a single queue last 2 night. Their self fulfilling prophecy of the bracket dying appears to have come true. There may be occasional pop on an organized night, but in the meantime new/returning players will lose interest and the current "good" players who think they're really good because they rule a bracket that is less than 10% of the size of twinking back when it was first popular will pat themselves on the back for killing their future competition.

I'm cynical for sure, but it sucks that a bunch of ppl who think they're better than they are and so look down on others not in their clique killed our queues.
What bracket has an imbalance? Between the selfish people and the moderator(s) calling for "going out with a bang", there hasn't been a single queue last 2 night. Their self fulfilling prophecy of the bracket dying appears to have come true. There may be occasional pop on an organized night, but in the meantime new/returning players will lose interest and the current "good" players who think they're really good because they rule a bracket that is less than 10% of the size of twinking back when it was first popular will pat themselves on the back for killing their future competition.

I'm cynical for sure, but it sucks that a bunch of ppl who think they're better than they are and so look down on others not in their clique killed our queues.

That's an interesting perspective, consider that its Christmas week, and people are with their families.
What bracket has an imbalance? Between the selfish people and the moderator(s) calling for "going out with a bang", there hasn't been a single queue last 2 night. Their self fulfilling prophecy of the bracket dying appears to have come true. There may be occasional pop on an organized night, but in the meantime new/returning players will lose interest and the current "good" players who think they're really good because they rule a bracket that is less than 10% of the size of twinking back when it was first popular will pat themselves on the back for killing their future competition.

I'm cynical for sure, but it sucks that a bunch of ppl who think they're better than they are and so look down on others not in their clique killed our queues.

There actually was one pop last night around 12 :p

And I would expect a lack of activity this week with Christmas, nonetheless I will be in queue tonight for a while.
I always saw Christmas week as being more active (other than Christmas Eve and day of course) as people are off school and many off work too. Maybe in this small community now it's just the opposite. You'd know better than me so I'll take your word for it.

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