EU+US Bouquet of Dried Flowers

Would be nice but I saw this wowhead comment:

By bwappo (1,230 – 6·9) on 2016/05/09 (Patch 7.0.1)
While it doesn't say so on the item, you do indeed need to be at least level 90 to attain the Bouquet of Dried Flowers. So, this item is not a candidate for boosting your average item level at lower character levels. Tested May 8th, 2016.
Reminds me when I took the Zepp to Northrend, took a flight to Old Dalaran, ported to Tanaris (via Violet Hold Portal), and tried getting into Stratholme for that Lily.
Reminds me when I took the Zepp to Northrend, took a flight to Old Dalaran, ported to Tanaris (via Violet Hold Portal), and tried getting into Stratholme for that Lily.
It's the journey, not the destination. :)
Even with altering your level the container is completely server side. The best you can get as f2p is Bouquet of Black Roses

But those are nice, still. And very, very easy to get.

It's what I use for instanced PVP for any OH using class.
Slightly off topic, but should I use off-hand for balance, resto druid and mw monk? Dont think there is much difference but I havent really look into it yet

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