Boss Drops - 0 Exp

Alrighty, this is common sense but I thought I'd write it down for those who are unaware of it.

* You'll need a friend or a main on a different account.

Your main/friend clear the instance from trash mobs and kills everything except the boss you need items from (You will not be in the instance at this time)

When you/he has cleared everything, enter the instance with your twink, and get to the boss.


1. Make sure you have group loot on.

2. Aggro the boss with your twink.

3. Die from the boss BUT do Not release your spirit.

4. Your main or your friend kills the boss.

5. Your main or your friend loots the boss.

6. Need on twink, pass on main.

Voila, 0 exp, and hopefully the item you wished for, otherwise just reset and do it all over again
This is specifically for WC for Venomstrike, When you first enter go down until you hit the part where it's an open area, then go to the right until you see a small place, in it will be water. it is very small, this is the place where when you finish the instance you drop down into. What you can do is put your twink in there, and drown him :) Then go to the last boss and kill to see if drops, GL!
Bigtatsu said:
This is specifically for WC for Venomstrike, When you first enter go down until you hit the part where it's an open area, then go to the right until you see a small place, in it will be water. it is very small, this is the place where when you finish the instance you drop down into. What you can do is put your twink in there, and drown him :) Then go to the last boss and kill to see if drops, GL!

10 Min Drown Timer.

Just agro a croc or 2. =\
Just wanted to add that you don't necessarily need to get your twink to the boss. Your high level friend can bring the boss to you.

As an example, while farming for Deadman's Hand in SM, don't take your twink all the way to Doan. Your aggro circle will mean that your friend will need to clear a larger part of the instance so you don't draw a crowd as you head towards Doan. Instead, wait at the instance portal and have you friend only clear what he aggros on the way to Doan. Then let him pull Doan all the way back to the instance portal and to you. Doan will follow him all the way back and this will half the time it takes per run.
Im new so dont hate if im wrong but can the twink just stand outside the instance while the lvl70 kills everything and pulls boss 2 the portal and kills him 2 so the twink only needs 2 loot?

if im wrong srry in advance d:
Recruit a "twink" friend

Been doing some multiboxing with some twink characters and my 46th level hunter, using the RAF account for the twinks.

Summon Friend is a great tool. Don't have to go back and escort the twink back, or kite the boss back to the entrance.

This works a lot better if you only need one item (2 if you're doing Serpentis and Verdan in WC. summoned twink, had him attack both Serpentis and Verdan and then got killed, hunter dropped both bosses, and of course neither item I was looking for dropped). Avoids all the trash XP, as well as the time wasted running back and forth.

Using Aspect of the Beast, I can get to Serpentis in just a couple of minutes avoiding most of the mobs since I don't have to clear for the twink. Worst case is I clear the crocks in WC and leave the twink in the last chamber to the right before the winding chasms, and pull Verdan and Serpentis to the cliff face. Just have to make sure master loot is set...
the thread is a year old why did you bump it??

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