Boostz new movie

I thought it rocked! My bg is full of rogues while only 2-3 are anywhere near as good (excluding brumble you big super experienced at all situations jerk).
yeah was pretty decent overal

hate the coloured edited video, just makes it annoying to watch.

zoomed in slightly prefer full screen :p

no rogue duels :/

mage imo should have blocked the first set of bleeds

shouldnt be getting caught out of stealth by the mage AOE ^^

the ui was alright but could have been better :p

apart from the required criticism was all good :D
guess you have to be a rogue to really appreciate this one.

Great job on the editing and whatnot though, very nice!
I've got to be honest, I'm only mildly impressed. Everyones seen well timed vanishes. Boostz is super indecisive in arenas. Fata, I was kinda shocked watching your two duels. A freezing trap when he still had trinket up (first duel)? How / why would you back yourself into the starting area corner /boggle (2nd duel). Getting de-stealthed is part of the game but a few times his positioning was questionable. Someone said it before but I would have loved to see some rogue duels.

@Ishh; I was much more impressed by Powerglove.

On a positive note. editing was top notch. Skill level was higher than we normally see from rogues at this level. Happypanda is a tank heh. Thanks for the vid, it was enjoyable to watch!
Just really liked the movie, well put together, i don't personally care for all the "omg I just vanished x spell" neilyo and all those other 80s ran that crap into the ground. Music and editing flowed very nicely. He showed he at least thinks about variables when he plays, and yea fata surprised me in the arena clip didn't understand going to the starting area with trap on cd. Just thought it was a great movie and thought I'd tell y'all it was out o_O
Situation said:
@Ishh; I was much more impressed by Powerglove.

Hehe, I'm probably just a bit biased because I play a 39 Rogue myself :p I like this movie better than Jenif's though, I missed some RvR in this movie but there was too much of it in Jenif's.

how come i didnt see this on the bloodlust forums? =S

watching nao
Situation said:
I've got to be honest, I'm only mildly impressed. Everyones seen well timed vanishes. Boostz is super indecisive in arenas. Fata, I was kinda shocked watching your two duels. A freezing trap when he still had trinket up (first duel)? How / why would you back yourself into the starting area corner /boggle (2nd duel). Getting de-stealthed is part of the game but a few times his positioning was questionable. Someone said it before but I would have loved to see some rogue duels.

as a sexy dorf hunter, if you can blow a rogues trinket with the first freezing trap, all you have to do is live until the cd is up again and you can stoneform/bandage back to full. at that point the rogue is basically screwed.
mmm lets just say i was getting pretty agrivated by boostz the first day of our duels, i was 0/18/12 with freezing trap glyph which is just my general play setup and with boostz cheapshotting me through 9/10 flares and resisting 1/3 of my traps i was starting to get angry and thankfully he didnt put in a couple of the duels where i made a complete arse of myself (and vice versa because those duels arent entertaining for anyone :p) next day respeced and went frost trap glyph and went 3-0. but ye one game i think i even got so annoyed i scatter->trapped him ;>.>
Fatapult said:
mmm lets just say i was getting pretty agrivated by boostz the first day of our duels, i was 0/18/12 with freezing trap glyph which is just my general play setup and with boostz cheapshotting me through 9/10 flares and resisting 1/3 of my traps OMG DORF FEMALES R HAWT i was starting to get angry and thankfully he didnt put in a couple of the duels where i made a complete arse of myself (and vice versa because those duels arent entertaining for anyone :p) next day respeced and went frost trap glyph and went 3-0. but ye one game i think i even got so annoyed i scatter->trapped him ;>.>

i think thats what you meant to say
Powerglove, i want to ask you, as a skilled warrior, how often you lose to equally skilled and geared rogues, in 1v1 duels. Please comment on 2h vs sword and board, and viability for each spec. Awaiting your reply with interest.
equally skilled rogues acked me in the fuss

bad ones did too if they got good rng

the only spec i could ever stand was 27/3/0, so thats what i stuck with, and i basically did this

-kept shield on

-kept dem shout/tclap up

-overpowered every chance i got

-popped shield block during evasion (or during a 2x mongoose proc)

-trinketed KS if it was 5 pts, i had expose armor on me and the rogue was @ full energy

-tried to save lifeblood for after wound wore off

-popped berserker rage before i bandaged if the rogue was stealthed (imp sap stops bandage earlier bc of longer range)

-only disarmed them outside of stuns if i felt like i might die before they reset

-fear > bandaged if they popped trinket for intercept and werent ud and i wasnt ruptured

-prayed for good rng

-used tclap for dealing damage

-equipped 2h before i intercepted if i had a couple seconds to wait before i intercepted (swapping weps resets swing timer, and most 2hs take longer to swing than the 3 sec intercept stun). if i didnt have the rage to ww id put rend on

-switched back to shield/1h if they werent in some sort of cc (stun)

-specced for 5/5 parry (avoidance and faster attack speed)

-rended when evasion was down

if i think of anything else ill edit

p.s. i read the thread w/ you arguing with outofspace. a lot of the things he theorycrafted were based on the rogue having downs

CS is going to be your opener.

If you try and be tricky with the Sap > CS > restealth

I Zerk Rage > Zerk Stance > Intercept > Blood Rage > Def Stance > Disarm > Rend

If anything misses or I can't intercept you PHowl > Rend

So you open CS > Hemo until 5 pionts > KS > Hemo until the last moment and Dismantle
any good rogue will be out of intercept range before cs wears off. berserker rage is on gcd, so theres really no chance of doing this unless hes stupid (or has aussie lag)

If you try to Gouge at the end of stun, I Zerk Rage out and Blood Rage > Rend you unless you dismantle and it lands right away

Either that or I see you're trying to bait the Zerk Rage and I wait for it to ware off

rng. will only work in half your fights

Whatever the case as soon as I'm not CC'd I'm assuming that I'll be dismantled because you want to use it on a CC'd target to ensure the hit.

During Dismantle the first thing I do is AB trinket > Blood Rage > Thunderclap > Demo Shout

it doesnt matter what happens while youre dismantled as long as you have a shield on. dem shout should be up before you get dismantled

== Part Two: The Clash! ==


After the 5s Dismantle you'll probably hit Evasion and try to law down some DPS.

I hit Shield Block right away and start spamming Revenge while keeping you Thunderclapped and Peircing Howled. Even if Revenge misses I get a rage free Heroic Strike so I spam that as well.

start spamming revenge and hs after a rogue pops evasion? orly... if hes prot the only thing that will hit is thunder clap. might as well be in battle spamming overpower for 150 damage since theres about a 5% chance that revenge will land

You'll be trying to Gouge me, which I will block, dodge and parry 27% of the time including [Expert Goldminer's Helmet] penetration. When you do actually land it I can Zerk Rage out every 30s if I choose. This makes it nearly impossible to use Gouge as a transition into a combo string which is something very important all rogues.

i dont know a lot of rogues who have depended on gouge against me in duels.

I also avoid 27% of your EAs and other attacks which means a lot of wasted energy and GCd's for you. I know this sounds obvious but it's really the main reason a rogue has no chance of just going toe to toe against a warrior (not using any cooldowns) and I feel it should be reinforced because it really throws a wrench in every combo string and makes theorycrafting basically impossible.

EA is usually up when youre getting opened on. sure you have a lot more avoidance as prot, but you also do craptastic damage. either way, the rogue still has just as much avoidance.

After Evasion wears off I have a few choices:

If I'm low on HP I'll Shield Wall

If I've got a bite on you and want to push I may Battle Stance > Retaliation > Def Stance

shield walling just because youre at low health is stupid. if the rogue has the opportunity to reset the fight, he will. shield wall is for times when they dont want to get off of you (double mongoose, evasion, etc.) retaliation isnt a big deal when the rogue will dodge half your attacks and the ones that hit do 100 damage.

Your best option now is to try and bug my intercept.
good rogues dont give warriors the option of intercepting them in 1v1.

I may just hold down in Def Stance to retain my rage for shouts to bring you out if I think you can actually bug it. If you fail though I do an intercept combo on you, something that may not be worth the risk unless you are a master with the deadzone.

I may Fear > Bandage if range permits and I have you slowed. Ofc you blow your trinket but I promise you I'll get at least one tick.

325 health in exchange for your fear doesnt sound that great to me. if you stay in def stance when a rogue is out waiting to get intercepted, you might as well use your throwing weapon to keep them in combat and then start running the other way until crip wears off. theyll be running the other way for another 5 seconds since you screwed their restealth, meanwhile rupture and poisons are wearing off while youre running the opposite direction to go bandage to full health.

== Part Three: The Mid Game ==

The fight is going to rage on and you'll probably try to vanish and try to blind, hopefully I'll stop you from getting a clean Vanish but ofc sometimes you get it. This is were the battle can be won by either of us and depends a lot on exactly what has happened already. I may still have Shield Wall, Last Stand or my AB trinket depending on how severe the earlier skirmish was.

Whatever the case I'll be trying to Revenge the **** out of you and as soon as a stun lands I'm going to Disarm you

My damage will come from Thunderclap/Revenge/Heroic/Rend and Mocking

I will Keep you near me with PHowl and Intercept

I will try to save Lifeblood for a moment when Wound Poison is not on me, with the multitude of O **** buttons I have it's not hard

I will save my Orc Racial for when I've got a bite and my tools to keep you near me are up, possibly in conjuction with Retalition and/or Shield Block which is on a 40s cooldown

PH is great and all, but you have to use it every 6 seconds, and even then crip poison has you slowed by 20% more. Assuming equal professions, the rogue will also have lifeblood. I dont know if a 0/14/16 warrior is supposed to beat rogues, as I never specced that way, but if we're assuming both players are very skilled here, the rogue always has ways to reset the fight. Outofspace's theorycrafting thread is pointless, and the only deciding factor is getting on the ptr and fighting the best 39 rogues.

edit: his warrior has a monolithic bow on the armory. if he uses that vs rogues, then his friend he tested the spec with apparently doesnt know how to 5-8

another edit: there will also be those fights where revenge does land through evasion, then stuns the rogue, with a rend and hamstring shortly thereafter. rogue v warrior is mostly rng, and the outcomes rely heavily on this kind of stuff happening.

holyyyyy ffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu that is a wall of text right there
I think outofspace is from Europe, I'd happily duel him on the PTR. There is no way a warrior can win the duel if both players are equally skilled. The warrior needs to play perfect to have a chance, while the rogue can make tons of mistakes and still get out on top.

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