BoE farming theory


New Member
How to farm, make a character 6 levels higher than the lvl req you want for the green items, if you are just farming the legion epics you have to farm in on a char with the wanted req lvl.
For example to get ilvl 28 gear req lvl 19 you make either a lvl 24 or 25 (it works with both because it the item only seems to drop in req lvl 16, 19 then jumps to 21).

Main reason for the post, what is your experience with BoE droprates and chromiesomes?
BoE droprates seems to be lower on tbc chromietime than regular none chromie, this is just a theory but other people farming BoEs from legion seem to get the same results.
This doesn't hold true for all low(er) Levels. For example Green BoEs are Level 1/4(Weapons/Shields)/6/11/etc. Legion BoE Epics are 7/12/17/etc. There is no way that we've found to get anything in between those, for any Character LEvels.

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