Boa's how do you feel about them?

Someday when we can fill every slot with BoAs that are better than 90% of gear that you can acquire at the level... twinking will just be leveling from 1-60 in PvP.
BoAs are convenience. Now instead of dropping out and regearing every few levels levelers can just keep playing without having to work to keep their gear up to date. Also makes it easier to "twink" without having to know about and go get a whole list of difficult to obtain items. Yes it sucks for those that don't have them, however the same would be true if people were gearing blues and running bgs in those (only perhaps less would put out the effort).

The thing that skews it to me is all the enchants. At level 10 things like +25 agility is OP. I don't think half as many people would blow the gold for some of these enchants if it weren't a one time fee that they could use over and over again.

Doesn't matter what I think though, because Blizz isn't going to get rid of them and players expect more every xpac because that has been the trend. They're going to keep coming and be more and more of an issue, and low level bgs will have to just deal with it. : /
I'm fine giving levelers something to use over and over again. I take some issue when those items are better than blues and purples at the same level, and probably better than most items 3-5 levels above it. I don't even look at my leveling rewards anymore for the slots that I have BoAs, not because of the +10% exp but because the stats on the BoAs are usually just plain better.

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