Bluesclues - New Shaman

Is this a healer or a dps? i cant tell from the chardev. The biggest problems with it that i have are your weapon choice, 22 int should go on evoc or gullotine axe if you're after the stam, If you have BoAs, which your chardev does, then devout aurastone is the only weapon of choice here. Your boots have a wasted enchant on them. With instant ghostwolf you wont need minor speed, Take 5hit, especially if you're dps. Arctic buckler should have vitality on it and 7stam should go on deadskull, and if not then redbeard. WSG ring is far superior to 3/3 ring. Personally i prefer 70 armour to cape instead of 10SR. I have a couple quarms about crystalline cuffs, i much prefer wranglers or mindthrusts. Your chest chant should be 100hp, this is better than 4 stats by 2 stats, and if you use mindthrusts you will have more stats overall.

Give me 2 secs and i'll dig out some chardevs.
Kore nametooshort said:
Is this a healer or a dps? i cant tell from the chardev. The biggest problems with it that i have are your weapon choice, 22 int should go on evoc or gullotine axe if you're after the stam, If you have BoAs, which your chardev does, then devout aurastone is the only weapon of choice here. Your boots have a wasted enchant on them. With instant ghostwolf you wont need minor speed, Take 5hit, especially if you're dps. Arctic buckler should have vitality on it and 7stam should go on deadskull, and if not then redbeard. WSG ring is far superior to 3/3 ring. Personally i prefer 70 armour to cape instead of 10SR. I have a couple quarms about crystalline cuffs, i much prefer wranglers or mindthrusts. Your chest chant should be 100hp, this is better than 4 stats by 2 stats, and if you use mindthrusts you will have more stats overall.

Give me 2 secs and i'll dig out some chardevs.

k thanks for critisizm. Um, i built it for 2v2
Kore nametooshort said:
devout aurastone is the only weapon of choice here.
Yes, but make sure not to forget the 2 wintergrasp maces you need (one for 30 sp and the other for 20 spirit and yes they are the same mace so you WILL have to make a wow equipment manager for them to actually change)

Kore nametooshort said:
Your boots have a wasted enchant on them. With instant ghostwolf you wont need minor speed, Take 5hit, especially if you're dps.
No, Minor Speed is better. Stick with Minor Speed. 5 hit doesn't help you inside the base and doing jumps that require 7% not 40%.

Kore nametooshort said:
Arctic buckler should have vitality on it and 7stam should go on deadskull, and if not then redbeard. WSG ring is far superior to 3/3 ring.

Kore nametooshort said:
Personally i prefer 70 armour to cape instead of 10SR. I have a couple quarms about crystalline cuffs, i much prefer wranglers or mindthrusts.
15 NR comes in handy more then 10 SR these days but 5 resistance to all is a safe pick. Go with 70 armor only when you 1v1 a non-caster. 10 SR does help if you're in a premade though and you're popping darkrunes because it will negate some of that dmg and you won't get so close to death (just in case). Mindthurst isn't better then crystal, if anything you should pick 3/3 egale bracers which isn't THAT much better... but is still BiS.

Kore nametooshort said:
Your chest chant should be 100hp
kk npz, it wasnt really criticism, its just that your itemisation was a little off.

Here are two chardevs, theyre very similar tbh but one stacks more mana and mp5 and the other more stam.

character planner . sperfect shammyhaman . chardev seven this one rocks in >1.5k hp and mana with starter weps and 102 Spell dmg and 9 MP5 with SP weps out

character planner . helaing shaman . chardev seven this one is 1.36k hp and 1.76k mana with 90 SP and 17 MP5 with SP weps.

Both are unbuffed, fully hit capped, and i consider them perfect. For 2vs2 i would recommend the first one, the second is more for WSG offensive healing.

Incase chardev is being lame, talents are 2earths grasp, 3ancestral knowledge, 2 imp GW and 3 imp healing wave. Stoneclaw and GW glyphs.
I dont find nature resist very useful on a shammy, i dont have much on me to be purged and i fake cast. In a situation where i have to choose gear before hand i would always go 70 armor.

I prefer mindthrusts not because they have hefty stats, they dont, but because theyre a great place to swap out stam for intellect when itemising. Stam is the most prolific stat and ratios in most slots for trade offs are poor.

Edit: If you're unable to make use of GW enough to make minor speed worthless then you're doing it wrong. In base you're close enough to outside to be able to get distance when you need it. I like to be hit capped all the time, and hit to boots is a great place to pick up hit on a shaman.

yes, wintergrasp maces for SP and spirit.
Kore nametooshort said:
I dont find nature resist very useful on a shammy, i dont have much on me to be purged and i fake cast. In a situation where i have to choose gear before hand i would always go 70 armor.
Since when can you fake an earthbind? How bout hunter's poisons when can't take them off (which does happen)? Or when you get that resist when you're AGM is up. Or when you have other buffs on and that NR you have stops other shamans from even wanting to purge you because it will take 2 purges a buff? OR how bout... when you're on defense in a premade and your fc is getting bursted? pretty nice times to have NR. 70 armor just helps against melee classes (+hunters) and it doesn't negate much dmg.

Kore nametooshort said:
I prefer mindthrusts not because they have hefty stats, they dont, but because theyre a great place to swap out stam for intellect when itemising. Stam is the most prolific stat and ratios in most slots for trade offs are poor.
you're trading 5 stamina 2 spirit and 4 sp for 5 int... nice.

Kore nametooshort said:
Edit: If you're unable to make use of GW enough to make minor speed worthless then you're doing it wrong. In base you're close enough to outside to be able to get distance when you need it. I like to be hit capped all the time, and hit to boots is a great place to pick up hit on a shaman.

yes, wintergrasp maces for SP and spirit.
The hit thing is not needed at 19. If we had frost shock or wtv then I'd understand it more but the hit from spider silk drape is enough. if it isn't then use the deadmines ring in place of the wsg ring for arena. Otherwise the minor speed will help you more often then the hit will for jumps and inside the base.
Missing an EB or windshear is not healthy. As a draenie you need 9 hit to cap, which cant be got with lavishly jeweled ring or in any viable form other than 5hit to boots and spidersilk cape. Also 5hit is a dps stat, its roughly 2.5% more dmg. Minor speed just isnt needed imo.

It is not "5stam 2spirit and 4sp vs 5 int" it is "5stam 2spirit and 4sp for 7 int". Spirit is a mostly useless stat, i generally dont give it any weight in most of my calculations, but even if i did the 9 int is still superior for a healing shaman.

15 NR isnt enough to me to be able to rely on it enough for those situations where i could exploit it. Ofc i could use it when the opportunities occur and your point is well taken, however i still prefer the straight mitigation that relying on a EB to miss or the off chance that a purge to my AGM will be resisted allowing my AGM another 1.5 secs dmg mitigation. Most dmg in the bracket is physical, so i prefer the physical mitgation.
missing a windshear or earthbind isn't that big of a deal, it's not something to where you would sac minor speed. if you miss a windshear then just get the next one (or if you have it up and you knew FOR SURE they were going to die... stomp) missing doesn't happen often enough for you to have to worry about it but falling behind an EFC (litterally losing your melee dps inside a base on an EFC which is MORE then 2.5% of your dmg.. its 100% of your dmg) or even your own FC can happen continuously. As a D shaman your main task is staying ahead of your FC and not having minor speed increase defeats your purpose. Its reasons like replacing minor speed with hit that makes people think we're not viable on D. It's because no one is sticking to the main purpose of us even being there.
Missing a wind shear isnt just something you can shrug away, it may have been a fear on your FC or maybe a crucial heal on their FC. You have EB and the like for those moments inside base where you would otherwise need it. The EB is long enough to stall people long enough to enable you and your FC to get through from a defensive perspective. Your melee and FT dps is not 100% of your dps, the majority of a shamans dps comes through lightning shield and shocks, neither of which require the shaman to be next to the enemy, again this point is well made, but i feel that its too situational to be greater than 5 hit.

Minor speed is not the problem with sticking to your FC, its slows. Shamans arent immune to slows, druids are. Its that simple, we are stuck at 100% speed 1/2 the time while the druid can crutch on popping. Minor speed wont help that.

Do GW and minor speed stack? afaik they dont but ive been wrong before.
15NR Hands down best back chant in most situations.

Minor Speed > 7 stam > 5 hit

3/3 eagles > all

I still dont agree with minor speed. I dont find it necessary, especially in arena. 5 hit is more important than 7 stam if you're not hit capped.

i agree that 3/3 are BiS for a balance shammy, but mindthrust are atleast on a par for a healing shammy since they are a great place the trade off stam for mana.

Meh, ive never found 15NR desperately useful, but im willing to concede that im wrong.
But if you don't heal with dps on the side then why not play a priest who are made just for healing. Shamans are awesome because they can keep people up (your main focus obviously) and dps on the side. EVERYONE is a balance shaman at 19. No such thing as some1 who sololy heals or sololy does dps
yes ofc, thats why the "healing" shaman i made is still hit capped and still has highish SP rather than more mana. However its ridiculous to gear completely balanced for every situation. If in a premade you are set to be an offensive healer you will need more mana than spell power since purge, windshear, EB arent affected by Sp and a shamans heals are perfectly fine with 90 odd healing.

Part of the fun of playing the shaman class is being able to switch roles easily, while i agree that a balanced shaman can do anyrole easily, its lunacy to not adjust you gear for various situations.

A completely balanced set is superior for arena tho, in 99% of the situations.
An O shaman is about mp5 not sp. If you have high mp5 (which you get get about 22 unbuffed) then you can just purge all day while meleeing the efc and flameshocking only when you earthbind so they have to dipel one to get to the other, otherwise only earthshocking if there is a priest around.

That being said, I do agree that switching gear is important for different roles you'd play but besides different 1v1 gear there isn't many gear sets, just O and D.

Edit: I forgot to tell you... I put on some hit gear to see what the cap was and I was at 9 hit and 5.something percent. So if you're playing a draenai like I think you are then you're way over hit cap with above 9.
spell hit cap is 4% against most, but its 6% vs nelfs tauren and belfs. Take a look at the thread linked in my sig. The "healing" shaman is an offenseive healer and has 16 MP5, which is the one i would use for dogging about in WSG. This thread is about arena, which is what i'd use the balanced shaman chardev for

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