Blues respond to questions on long Q's!

Just copied this over from comments on the front page. Posting it here so people can read it before they make their replies. Going off that the post here will be along the lines of the comments.

#1. All you guys are misinformed for saying Blizzard does not see that there is a problem.

#2. All you guys are misinformed for thinking Blizzard does not care for twinks at all. If they didn’t they would of not added the non-experience option.

#3. All you guys are misinformed for calling Blizzard lazy for not combining the battlegroups. Did you not read what they said? It’s technical difficulties that stops them from doing it. Each battlegroup is based for different time zones and locations for better latency. They can’t just combine all of those into one.
Then they should just give us a "Twink PTR" so we can all copy our chars on it and play there. This would be the ideal solution.
No Mojo said:
Responding on forums 101: If you answer to some post always try to give a reason for what you are saying, it will help you to be taken seriously.

PTR is laggy as crap
I say allow all twinks a one time free transfer to a single realm, if noone chooses to do the transfrer during that alloted time then after that they can pay to transfer there.
Hamcake said:
PTR is laggy as crap

It wouldn't be THE PTR just a special realm just for twinks. You copy your twink chars there and play battlegrounds. I don't see with this would have to be laggy.
No Mojo said:
It wouldn't be THE PTR just a special realm just for twinks. You copy your twink chars there and play battlegrounds. I don't see with this would have to be laggy.

As blizzard said they don't care enough to do anything like that. :mad::(
fearthelock said:
I say allow all twinks a one time free transfer to a single realm, if noone chooses to do the transfrer during that alloted time then after that they can pay to transfer there.

Blizzard wouldn't do that because that would be a loss of money on their part, so that would definitely not happen. Also, I don't think that they care enough to go way out of their way to assist us in our twinking efforts, because they didn't design the game for twinks, they designed it to get from level 1-80 and then do end game content. The battlegrounds and everything in between 1-80 I think they installed to give people a break in leveling or level in a different way from normal questing/grinding.
Infuze said:
Blizzard wouldn't do that because that would be a loss of money on their part, so that would definitely not happen. Also, I don't think that they care enough to go way out of their way to assist us in our twinking efforts, because they didn't design the game for twinks, they designed it to get from level 1-80 and then do end game content. The battlegrounds and everything in between 1-80 I think they installed to give people a break in leveling or level in a different way from normal questing/grinding.

Wrong, they created the game to generate revenue (money). The bg's was added as another way to keep people playing. They are looking at losing business as things are now. It would take a few button presses to xfer a toon, so no real money loss there. I think this would be the ultimate fix.
fearthelock said:
Wrong, they created the game to generate revenue (money). The bg's was added as another way to keep people playing. They are looking at losing business as things are now. It would take a few button presses to xfer a toon, so no real money loss there. I think this would be the ultimate fix.

Well I was meaning in perspective of the players, obviously the game was created to make money for them, that is how every other business is. And they would lose money by free xfers because if you want the xfer bad enough you will pay $25 for it instead of getting it for free if they didnt give it for free. I agree it would fix things, just the fact is Blizzard won't do that. Also, I know very well that they will lose business from people that play twinks, because in all brackets there are a lot of twinks, and if many quit, they would notice the general decrease in revenue.
Xposure said:
they do care a bit. If they didn't care at all, they wouldn't add the XP turn-off thingy

Yep, they care to a certain extent, but I don't think that they will go too far out of their way for our cause.
blizzard has lied to themselves... it unfortunate to come to this, but some should remind them that battleground merging is possible, for they did it to the EU servers. yet they say its impossible to do here ? i really wish to know why it is in europe but not in the US !

how much more difficult can it be. it is possible since they did it already and at that long ago. yet they are bragging that it is not possible due to the way the BG are made. seriously blizzard make up your mind. the EU have gotten everything up to point and Us has always gotten the left over pieces of the puzzles. its time to open up, you already confirmed us, now confirmed that we have the right to play the damn game like all others !
I didn't think they actually merged the BG's, i believe they created new ones. If it does not generate revenue for them, why from a business stand point should they do it?
ArthurianKnight said:
blizzard has lied to themselves... it unfortunate to come to this, but some should remind them that battleground merging is possible, for they did it to the EU servers. yet they say its impossible to do here ? i really wish to know why it is in europe but not in the US !

how much more difficult can it be. it is possible since they did it already and at that long ago. yet they are bragging that it is not possible due to the way the BG are made. seriously blizzard make up your mind. the EU have gotten everything up to point and Us has always gotten the left over pieces of the puzzles. its time to open up, you already confirmed us, now confirmed that we have the right to play the damn game like all others !

You hit the nail on the head.

I didn't think they actually merged the BG's, i believe they created new ones. If it does not generate revenue for them, why from a business stand point should they do it?

Honestly I think your right as well. I think the yare making more money on the EU side , either that or they are getting "new" business rolling in there where it may be declining in the US.

From reading the blue posts and later comments I have reached the conclusion that they see us as a nussance even though in reality we are no different than capped out 80's in PvP gear, just in lower brackets. I'm going to stay on top of how Blizzard plans to handel this. Honestly though I think it will not be pretty. This all reminds me of racisim in the mid 50's in the US. Even though the black population was considered "free" they still was told to ride in the back of the buss.
They didn't merge battlegroups in the sense of moving servers around, they just made them bigger because the servers were already in the same room-ish
Hamcake said:
They didn't merge battlegroups in the sense of moving servers around, they just made them bigger because the servers were already in the same room-ish

I can see how merging all the different server locations can be a problem. But then give twinks something like the Arena-server, just for twinks. Shouldn't be too hard or expensive to implement.

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