Bloodsail Admiral Title Event


OK I'm setting this event for Saturday May 18th, time is debatable i was thinking that the Dk's could start leveling between 11 a.m, and 12 p.m. eastern standard time but that could change

The main event i want to start no later than 2:30 p.m. Eastern time

We will not wait for you to get out of starting zone past then, if you DC it sucks but we cant afford to hold the event for you

There will be no breaks, if you take one you miss out on all that time you take off

I will be posting a ready check at 1:30 pm on day of event if you fail to respond by 2:30 pm you will not be grouped, and will miss event

Only those with F2P Dk accounts, or P2P accounts may come

This will be Horde side only

Sever: TBA

Quintos- 1 p2p, 1 f2p
Kiel Saxon Lane - 1 p2p
Felix- 1 f2p
Soaps- 1 f2p
Tiger-1 f2p, ? p2p

Any one else interested please sign up, if time or date doesn't work i could bump it to any Saturday after this, or any time during that day.

SIgn Ups are closed i will no longer be allowing new people to join
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ah i was hoping for during the middle of the week, idk if i can make it on Saturday.
middle of the week is hard for me cause i got school all day so weekends work best, if the event is short though i think i could do it on a week day if that would work best for everyone, can only play 6 hours on a weekday so would have to be shorter that, and could only do it on a Thursday too.
middle of the week is hard for me cause i got school all day so weekends work best, if the event is short though i think i could do it on a week day if that would work best for everyone, can only play 6 hours on a weekday so would have to be shorter that, and could only do it on a Thursday too.

lol, thursday is my busiest work day :p

i'll see if i can make it on Saturday otherwise i think i'll be solo farming it tomorrow fter i get home from work.
I'm sorry but if you take 3.5 or 2.5 hours to get outa the dk zone you're an incredibly slow lver o_O Not sure why you want people to start THAT early but meh.. Also less is more. Once you get around 5 people it's really quite pointless. There are only 5-7 good spots to farm and if you have 20 people running around they will be wasted and just making lag worse. The people have scheduled respawns so just sit and farm in the spots with the +20 or up rep people
i chose that early, cause i wanted people to not feels rushed leveling, not be concerned if they dc once while leveling, be flexible about starting time, so they could take a break, and most of all cause the time isn't fully set in stone and i know some one will want to change the event or day, so i think of it as more of a placeholder than the actually time,

As for the issue on amount i see were your coming from, but everyone in the group gets the same rep, if it gets big we can make it a raid for the rep grind, then drop to groups for the quest, this way everyone in the area gets the rep :)
i chose that early, cause i wanted people to not feels rushed leveling, not be concerned if they dc once while leveling, be flexible about starting time, so they could take a break, and most of all cause the time isn't fully set in stone and i know some one will want to change the event or day, so i think of it as more of a placeholder than the actually time,

As for the issue on amount i see were your coming from, but everyone in the group gets the same rep, if it gets big we can make it a raid for the rep grind, then drop to groups for the quest, this way everyone in the area gets the rep :)

try to get a destro lock to come for the rep grind, should make it go by 3x faster.
i chose that early, cause i wanted people to not be concerned if they dc once while leveling and most of all cause the time isn't fully set in stone and i know some one will want to change the event or day, so i think of it as more of a placeholder than the actually time,

As for the issue on amount i see were your coming from, but everyone in the group gets the same rep, if it gets big we can make it a raid for the rep grind, then drop to groups for the quest, this way everyone in the area gets the rep :)

I see what you mean and like the idea cause if someone dcs near the end they could then speed lv through and still make it if needed. Kinda like an option B. However my remark on the group was simply because of a couple things. You hue and felix will be bringing a F2p and P2P. That honestly will be wasted time probably since you will be trying to control 2 people. During the phased event BB is VERY laggy and alot of ppl have dced during the phase so the less people you add in their the better imo.

I can't remember exactly atm but I know the bankers were a good spot, the end of the dock near the boat was, up top near the fp where the captain is and the spot near the middle where a person can pat and kill e1 they see but focus on the bird dealer inside the building. That would only take 4 people (maybe 5 if you wanna completely max the rep/hr) to do the best you could so there really isn't any need for more. The grind isn't that bad tbh just more tedious then anything.
Announcement :

I will be closing sign ups at a 10 toon max it is first come first served, check the OP for spots left, if you miss it i am sorry but from Lil's suggestion, having to many people could lag the zone and DC us, causing all the f2p's to miss out on their tittles. This is a decision made to improve the event, I hope you all will understand.
As i said the date is debateable, i can make it any saturday, except this one, friday, or thusday, possible wednesdays too, i can do sundays but its a bad idea do to level 71 elites spawning, but possible since were brining high levels with us, if anyone want to alter the day post what day works best and we can try to work it out.
I know you said you"ll be busy this week, but i just want to point out that with DMF we can boost rep by 10% via buying or looting the DMF exp/rep hat or riding the carousel.

Those things can speed the rep process for those with DC problems.

I'm one of those people since i dont live in the US and WoW likes to randomly DC me. I'd go as far as to say WoW loves to DC me at critical moments.
Well im sorry for your DC problems, but this week just wont work for me, i have a lot to due, and next week DMF is gone so no point in going during the week, unless someone cant make it on saturday, and besides the only week day i can make it is thursday that week, and i still have 6 more weeks till im out of school so it'll be a long time before i can do events during the week hope this helps you understand y im being so rejective of weekdays.

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