bloodlust the place to be?

SUBJECT: bloodlust the place to be?

As many of you know, reckoning has a LOT of twinks. However, on the bloodlust forums a priest posted a screenshot of a 3 hour que for wsg, and she plays on reckoning. In addition, she had a 2 hour 11 minute que so far on 2v2, and had been qued for arathi basin for 10 hours. However Arathi Basin is an inferior battleground so that is not at all suprising. Anyway, so this reckoning priest said that she is interested in joining bloodlust! Bloodlust is not a random bg, We have some of the best twinks from all around. lloydganks has a bloodlust 29 and Entrerri has a bloodlust 29. we do have a solid 29 group, and that just adds to my growing suspicion that bloodlust is the best place for 29s.

I want some serious answers about ques from reckoning peeps, and no answers from rottentomato because he can exxagerate a bit. 8)

The truth of the matter is that reckoning has down time just like any other bg. Notice he said AEST, not EST.

If you live in australia, you should probably play 80, because your not going to get q's in any bg whatsoever for 29s. If you live in the US, reckoning has BY FAR the best q times, and the best competition available.

I've talked to twinks with toons in bloodlust and reckoning, and all of them prefer reck.
I've become a much better 29 player from playing on reck and i've never had so much fun with a guild. Also detox / SS are all really chill people and it's totally worth it for those reasons alone.
TLA4lyf said:
The truth of the matter is that reckoning has down time just like any other bg. Notice he said AEST, not EST.

If you live in australia, you should probably play 80, because your not going to get q's in any bg whatsoever for 29s. If you live in the US, reckoning has BY FAR the best q times, and the best competition available.

I've talked to twinks with toons in bloodlust and reckoning, and all of them prefer reck.

I live in Australia and have had 30 or 40 games in the last week playing on Bloodlust due to the fact we have US and Oceanic servers our peak time for queues is longer and without telling everyone we are the best and have the most twinks from what I have read we get just as many games as Reckoning imagine if we had all the transfers how active our Battlegroup could really be.
ITT: people who are too lazy to reroll/transfer their twinks to reckoning, so they try to spread false information about their battlegroup and claim it's better then reckoning.

Soes Bloodlust have 5-10 minute ACTUAL queue times? because there is a difference between average wait time and when warsong actually pops. no?

Reckoning does. although arena usually only happens when organized.
During peak times in the last week queues almost never get out to 5-10 mins during our best days Friday/Saturday Night US, Saturday/Sunday Day Australian the queues were instant for at least 5 hours with a couple of 15v15 abs aswell. About people lieing in the first 2 days after the patch people from reck were all around other battlegroups saying how busy they were but when i went and checked their bg forums all I saw was ah sorry guys we need more horde every game is 10v5.
Clevvii said:
During peak times in the last week queues almost never get out to 5-10 mins during our best days Friday/Saturday Night US, Saturday/Sunday Day Australian the queues were instant for at least 5 hours with a couple of 15v15 abs aswell. About people lieing in the first 2 days after the patch people from reck were all around other battlegroups saying how busy they were but when i went and checked their bg forums all I saw was ah sorry guys we need more horde every game is 10v5.

Ya reck was totally lying. All those 10v10s they allegedly ran were completely fictional. I heard they're masters of photoshop, and thats how they got all those ss's of all the "alleged" 10v10s
TLA4lyf said:
Ya reck was totally lying. All those 10v10s they allegedly ran were completely fictional. I heard they're masters of photoshop, and thats how they got all those ss's of all the "alleged" 10v10s

Have they even had a 10v10 since the patch? And for anyone not in the teams that run 10s I have read horde can almost never get 10 into a pug game.
Clevvii said:
Have they even had a 10v10 since the patch? And for anyone not in the teams that run 10s I have read horde can almost never get 10 into a pug game.

I've had quite a different experience than what you've heard. Horde even won a few of the 10v10 pugs I've been in since the patch.

Sure you occasionally get the 8v10, but overall the teams are pretty even.
No Reckoning is the BG, dont bother about Bloodlust, the hype is already centered around Reckoning, so why would you try to screw that all up?
TLA4lyf said:
Ya reck was totally lying. All those 10v10s they allegedly ran were completely fictional. I heard they're masters of photoshop, and thats how they got all those ss's of all the "alleged" 10v10s

Lol I love you.
I'm actually a little surprised to say that my battlegroup (Whirlwind) has actually done really, really well since the patch. Between about 6pm and 2am EST, it's about a 50/50 shot as to whether you'll have one or two battlegrounds going--but always at least one. The skill is subpar and the bracket is made up mostly of PUGers (although you might see a few 3-4 man premades)...but the games are pretty evenly matched.
sorry, i haven't had the chance to respond until now. Anyway, so whoever "twentynines" is on the bloodlust forums, go away. There has only been one xfer to reckoning from bloodlust after 3.2.

One thing we can agree on: pallynator is terribad nub amirite?
Rottentomato said:
I'll one up you.... Rotten has a 29 in Reckoning. Now THAT'S a a reason in itself to go to Reckoning.

I'll one up you...Cptheal has a 29 in Reckoning. now THAT'S a a reason in itself to go to Reckoning
Blah blah blah. Thats great and all. BUT IM ENTRERRI

I have international value. I am known worldwide. To some im known as the best 29 rogue ever. To others, i am known as the NOT best rogue ever.

Kinda hard to be the best and not the best you know.

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