Blizzard is perverted AF

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okay, so I wanted to apply for blizzard's online-blizzcon cosplay contest, but they keep asking photos and videos of me.

I do not want to post a fucking video to some random neckbeard furry nerd developer of blizzard for him to jerk off to me and then just deny my application...... what shall I do? I am quite positive that I would win the event and the prize is quite juicy. So I would want to participate in the event, but I don't want to post videos of myself to some random fat nerd.

Any suggestions?
any suggestions?

yes, I do have some suggestions for you. first of all INSTANTLY wipe away the ignorance and arrogant attitude you have beceause let me tell you what, as a proud member of the wow cosplaying community myself I guarantee you're NOWHERE near as good as you think you are and you wouldn't even come close to winning the competition so please take a long hard look at yourself infront of the mirror and realize how low your fucking level is compared to an elite cosplayer like myself

second of all, to begin with, how fucking rude of you to assume that every blizzard developer and employee is a furry, nerd and has a nerckbeard and on top of that what the hell is your issue with people being those things? is there anything wrong with being a furry? is there anything wrong with having a neckbeard? is there anything wrong with being a nerd? let's not forget that you've been enjoying and spending money on the games and content these "furry neckbeard nerds" have been making for the past 12 years so for you to sit there and act superior to them doesn't sit well with my spirit and I would appreciate if you toned down the hypocrisy and shaming towards blizzard employees

third of all, for someone who's acting so arrogant and superior you seem terrified and ashamed to post your cosplaying work. I bet i'd outcostplay you any fucking day of the week so do not ever come on this forum with that weak shit about being the best cosplayer on here, you don't fucking know me and you don't fucking know the work I put in when it comes to my cosplays. you're nowhere near and you'll never be anywhere near close to how good of a cosplayer I am so either shut your mouth or meet me at BlizzCon 2021 and challenge me for the cosplaying crown but we all know you're too fucking terrible at cosplaying to ever do that

do NOT tag me with a response unless you're posting some of your cosplaying work so I can laugh at it, ciao
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Send what they require. Anyone can do what you claim they might do with any social media pictures. It's an online contest, they need to see every angle, especially if the prize is juicy. If this was in person, they would look you down anyways and may even be more judge mental over details of the outfit. I'm confused when you said you'll just get denied, then the very next sentence you said you'd win. So...send the application in if your that sure, easy.

Can't win, if you don't play.
Send what they require. Anyone can do what you claim they might do with any social media pictures. It's an online contest, they need to see every angle, especially if the prize is juicy. If this was in person, they would look you down anyways and may even be more judge mental over details of the outfit. I'm confused when you said you'll just get denied, then the very next sentence you said you'd win. So...send the application in if your that sure, easy.

Can't win, if you don't play.
I saw that you responded to this and was like "oh god, feet pics joke" and had the mod hammer ready and everything.

i am both pleasantly surprised and mildly disappointed.
If you're interested of joining BlizzConline 2021 cosplay contest, then click on this image

@Miles - Thank you for suggestions, really appreciate it.
Fuck the rest tho, especially the great cringo
I did apply for the cosplay competition at some point.. To my great displeasure, Dan Schneider of Nickelodeon was holding the auditions.
I never cosplayed again. You go girl, fight the power.

okay, so I wanted to apply for blizzard's online-blizzcon cosplay contest, but they keep asking photos and videos of me.

I do not want to post a fucking video to some random neckbeard furry nerd developer of blizzard for him to jerk off to me and then just deny my application...... what shall I do? I am quite positive that I would win the event and the prize is quite juicy. So I would want to participate in the event, but I don't want to post videos of myself to some random fat nerd.

Any suggestions?
It's crazy if I role reverse it - Say I want to be in a cosplay comp and the go between is a lady woman.

I don't think I'd mind if she fapped to me. Sorry to be like gross but I guess men and women are different like that.

Good luck with the comp !
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