blinding vanishes, vanishing blinds, and the discussion therof

alright so this means, that if I ice lance as they vanish, it will take them out, but if I fireblast it will not take them out?
ice lance has a missile time so it will not work if you ice lance and then they vanish. the exception to this is if they vanish late and your ice lance hits them during that fraction of a second immediately following the vanish. in other words it can cancel their vanish but they have to run right into it. for more info on this just look at how rogues can vanish PoM pyro and fireball. as long as they vanish while the missile is in the air they're fine, but if they screw up and vanish too late it can knock them out.

fire blast has no missile time so it works exactly like blind. listen for the poofy sound, hit fire blast, and their vanish will fail.
Conrose said:
Knowing when a rogue would Ideally use a vanish is a big bonus to countering it.

so is keeping a flare down
finaroth said:

My favorite :) did this to 99% of all 1v1 vs melees (and some 1vX against retards or when I got sap) on lvl 59 and 69

Heading for 80 now anyways
Yeah this Vanish trick is something that takes sometime to aquire. You do have to listen, and that is the hard thing to listen for. Practice makes perfect.
This is not hard any non idiot can do it. As a rogue you just trinket a CS blind your enemy wait for trinket / global vanish, You can even see there character move there hands if you are watching carefully look up mahikoson, buddhist, neilyo, and akrios in there videos you will see everything from vanishing blinds to pom, death coils you name it they can vanish it. And as a caster it's easy aswell you anticipate the vanish so you start casting a spell to break the vanish or just keep a dot up it's not like they have cos at 39, But sometimes you can lag and get owned because you don't see the spell coming and by the time you see it and try and vanish it just takes you out of stealth. Kebinds help for sure for quickest reaction.
useabandage said:
as a priest I always holy nova the second I leave a stun

This is also smart to do in arena or anywhere. Say you're playing with a rogue or something another rogues vanishes you instantly nova and get him out, That is if you don't have the downs and see where he / she vanished so you can position yourself to pull them out.
For rogues it's always good to couple a sprint -> vanish to avoid an AoE pulling you out of stealth if you even think it's coming (in high level it's often Cloak of Shadows -> Vanish)

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