I know it has been asked before but thought I’d check again. Looking for an ally guild on BH
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I would think most people have Twinks on both sides. At least the “good” players do. And those that truly want “good games” will switch sides for those games.
As for the Borean Tundra buff, it is on the very rare occasion I see someone from Warlords in Borean Tundra.
As for Daboo pushing D19’s membership, I am sure he wouldn’t mind if one or two of you guys wanted to step up and help him out and promoting it. Who is first?
The buff thing is an issue. Intellect buffed druids can put out ridiculous damage, but I think the worst class is actually the warlocks. Their drain life with that buff makes them nearly impossible to kill without a large number of people hitting them. Having to counter that takes priority off the flags but you also can't afford to ignore them due to the amount of damage they'll put out unkilled.
All that being said, the buff doesn’t pop up in premades as much as it is people solo queuing. So at least its rare to have multiple people running it (from my experience anyway). While there are BH alliance guilds, I see less of them than I do the other twink guilds floating around. You might want to widen your search off BH there are alliance twink guilds on tich, gilneas, moonguard, mine on khaz, and I’m sure others I'm forgetting that are fairly active.
hahahahahahaha... I might as well just go to a RP realm and RP ...