

So I am getting kinda bored of WoW. Have been playing for 9 years, twinking doesn't really make my inner fire sparkle anymore and endgame PvP still a bit too unbalanced for me to really engage into.

So I have been trying to find another game to play. I have played my part of 1st person shooters and FIFA, so I was looking for a mmo/mmo-like PC game to throw myself at.

I have made a list of games that I am considering, if you could please give me any information regarding the games on the list; i.e. it is pay-to-win, nobody is playing it, your computer has to have an insane graphic card etc. or ideas for other games it would be greatly appreciated!

(I know some of them aren't mmo-games, and I know some of them aren't even out yet)

Assassin's Creed Black Flag
TERA: Rising
Guild Wars 2
Heroes of the Storm
Skyrim was a very deserving GotY winner. It kept me away from WoW for ages. You can get the Legendary Edition cheap now (has maybe 3 small expansions?) and there are heaps of mods to play around with. Last time I played it was on a mid-range GPU I bought in 2012 and I could run it on max settings. It looked amazing.

Assassin's Creed IV is also recommended. Lots of fun to be had. Assassin's Creed II is also good and might be easier to run if you have older hardware.
Skyrim was a very deserving GotY winner. It kept me away from WoW for ages. You can get the Legendary Edition cheap now (has maybe 3 small expansions?) and there are heaps of mods to play around with. Last time I played it was on a mid-range GPU I bought in 2012 and I could run it on max settings. It looked amazing.

Assassin's Creed IV is also recommended. Lots of fun to be had. Assassin's Creed II is also good and might be easier to run if you have older hardware.

@Skyrim - i must have over 100+ hours played and i still haven't done half the quests nor explored all of the map!
@Skyrim - i must have over 100+ hours played and i still haven't done half the quests nor explored all of the map!

I remember reading something that said the original release played through once was about 200 hours. And there were some questlines (like the civil war one?) that forked, so you could redo some bits and get new quests.

Elder Scrolls Online (subscripton based though)

I heard a rumor that they might be changing their subscription model soon. Report: The Elder Scrolls Online Pulled from More Australian Stores - IGN

Elder Scrolls: Oblivion was also a good game but it's probably a bit dated now.

[MENTION=12184]Snack[/MENTION], have you looked at the Dragon Age Series?
Heroes of the Storm
This game is still in alpha and already a better developed game than LoL, it has similar graphics, but with a next level of Blizzard graphic skillz. Better gameplay, allround looks more finished with the lobby and the champion section and so on.

If you are considering this game I can tell you that already from alpha state this game is 100 times better than League of heyletstakedotathenretardproveitandrenameit
That what juno said.

Played over 300hours skyrim and raised several chars above 80 and i still get wet when the old dragon dudes yell dovahkin.
I still can't believe I haven't really given GW2 a go. I tried it on a friends account, and was just lost with what to do in the whole leveling process. I wanted to jump right into pvp, but all they really had going at the time was wpvp events.

I couldn't really get into it, and this is coming from huge GW1 fan. GW1 was a pvp game, first and foremost, with a side of pve. You didn't even have to touch pve, if you didn't want to. They balanced it the way I wish bliz would WoW. They had a hard break between pvp and pve, and pvp took precedence. Skill balances happened all the time. There were many different modes of pvp; all were well populated and had their own communities.

Sometimes I log back in just to check things out. But alas, it's just not the same; most people have left. So, I'm still looking for a game in a fantasy setting, that has the kind of that Guild Wars had and WoW would have if they made pvp balance the priority. From what I've seen is that fantasy mmos are mostly pay-to-win. I'm looking for something in this genre because I can't stand shooters, and I'd rather stab my eyes out than have to clear a lane in a moba. It provides little freedom and creativity, and feels like a lot like raiding pve.

So if anyone out there knows of any multiplayer games that are neither moba, nor fps, and don't take place in a spaceship, I'd like to hear about them. Meanwhile, I think I'll give something like The Witcher 3 a go, to placate my RPG side.
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Thank you for your responses! I might be checking TERA out, and since my brother already has an account with Skyrim + the 3 expansions and one with Hearthstone I will be checking them out first. But still the thing I liked most in WoW was the PvP and the mmo aspect, and not Skyrim nor Hearthstone has that. Has anyone here tried TERA? And what about PvP in GW2? Also I havn't checked out Dragon Age. Yet atleast :)

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