blackvenom blade


hey bois.
Does blackvenom blade still drop? and if does it only drops from battered junkbox?
I have now farmed little over 1.3k junkboxes, so should i fast level rogue to 29 and start opening those bad boys.
[doublepost=1556973170,1556972241][/doublepost]i did found old post about this, and no one knows for sure (gm´s cant give farming tips) so have any one seen this dagger in bfa?
Yes its available in boxes. You must be shit @ using the search function
Yes its available in boxes. You must be shit @ using the search function
hey thanks for the asnwer ":D" and i must be shit at finding information which i can trust 100%, because there is no one at bfa who has opened bvb and made post about it.
hey thanks for the asnwer ":D" and i must be shit at finding information which i can trust 100%, because there is no one at bfa who has opened bvb and made post about it.

There is tho
Although none on that thread has opened a box with it at lvl 19, or even in BFA.

I opened today 100 boxes and only Healing Potions, useless poisons, grey stuff and nothing more.
I got the boxes with my lv 100 rogue, I picklocked all and sent them to my rogue lv 19.

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