BiS WW Monk armory?

I would make a haste set with dual hurricane or windsong or something just to try this out, but I'm pretty limited with my free time atm so someone with more interest and time on their hands will have to do that ;) post results if you do, thanks.

I can probably do it sometime this week
Boneyou @ Tichondrius - Community - World of Warcraft

Here's my monk, I'm not too sure what more would make him better. Like others have said, agi/stam balance is best.
your weapons enchants dont make much sense frankly . ill explain why

elemental force is on a really fancy formula where it has no internal cooldown but the chance of a proc is bassed of of how long ago your last proc was so as you consistantly are attacking people it spreads the damage out across a min.
basicaly that means no matter how quickly u hit somebody u will still only get about 10 procs per min . per weapon. over all this weapon give u about 1000 more damage spread over a min per weapon

...... but bend. why do all these lvl 19 rogues use ele force. it has to be good right?

well 19 rogues use it because of the reason i just pointed out . if you are stealthed for a while your basicaly building up your percent chance to get a ele force proc since the time from the last proc is increasing. at the max chance a assas rogue can usualy pull about 3-4 procs in their opener and since ele force shares your crit chance it basicaly gives them the largest burst possible.

ok so big wall of text what does it mean ?
basicaly..... dont bother using ele force unles your 100% stam gearing because thats the only time it comes close to doing the equivalent damage of other enchants.

ok then what enchants shoulld you use ? i would start off with double dancing steel when oppening then swap to mongoose after dancing steel procs die off.

why do you say ?
well if you dont kill somebody in your opening burst your going to be sitting a while without a proc due to the rppm nature of dancing steel.
mongose procs for 90 agi 30 haste on 1.4 ppm chance basically your going to have a better chance to get mongoose procs after dancing steel dies of and thus use it for about 20-30 sec then swap back to dancing steel

Super Bendandcough to the rescue, however i do not think rppm have a timer placed on it since the second u put it on your weapon. If that was the case ppl could just stop dps'ing for a certain time then dps for the last 5-10 seconds of their minute and get superb burst from ef. I always thought it worked like this, You place a dot on a target which lasts 15 seconds. If you have 0 haste then it is 10 ppm, that dot takes 1/4 of a minute, so on average you should get 2-3 procs for that dot. Of course if u place a second individual dot on the target that too can get ef procs. Which is why its effective for dot spreading or classes that have alot of spells up at once.
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Super Bendandcough to the rescue, however i do not think rppm have a timer placed on it since the second u put it on your weapon. If that was the case ppl could just stop dps'ing for a certain time then dps for the last 5-10 seconds of their minute and get superb burst from ef. I always thought it worked like this, You place a dot on a target which lasts 15 seconds. If you have 0 haste then it is 10 ppm, that dot takes 1/4 of a minute, so on average you should get 2-3 procs for that dot. Of course if u place a second individual dot on the target that too can get ef procs. Which is why its effective for dot spreading or classes that have alot of spells up at once.

Get ready inc wall of text taken from Windsong and Elemental Force Information - Forums - World of Warcraft
keep note mongoose is not on the rppm function but rather on the low static chance. so for a lil while after your dancing steel fades off you have a higher chance from it for a proc.
The nature of ELE force is explained in it so have funn in your read. i may have explain it a lil poorly and it could have lead to some confusion but i think after you will agree with me on some things.

We recently hotfixed the Windsong and Elemental Force weapon enchants to improve their performance for many users. The important part for most players is that Windsong is now a useful enchant for all classes and specs (save Hunters who use scopes, and Death Knights who use Runeforging), since it will trigger on all damage or healing, be it spell, melee, or ranged, and direct or periodic. Elemental Force will also trigger from all damage, so is useful for all damage dealers.

Additionally, these two enchants use a new system for triggering, which we wanted to give some details on. These are the gritty details, which you do not need to understand in order to use these enchants, but we wanted to lay them out for the benefit of the theorycrafting community. If mathy simulations and modeling aren’t your thing, none of this will matter much to you.

We have had various methods for triggering procs throughout WoW’s history. Most procs fall into two categories for the past few years:

  • [*=left]Relatively high but static proc chance, with a significant cooldown. Most trinkets and caster procs fall into this category. For example, a trinket may have a 30% chance to proc on hit, with a 55sec cooldown. This lets us balance the trinket with a pretty safe assumption of procing about once per minute. Unfortunately, since it’s so reliable, it doesn’t really feel like a random proc, but rather like an On Use trinket that’s just on auto-cast. The uptime won’t increase significantly with any stats with this type of proc.
    [*=left]Relatively low proc chance with some normalization based on weapon speed, typically referred to as ‘PPM’ (procs per minute). Most melee weapon enchants fall into this category. For example, a weapon enchant may have 3 PPM. That checks your weapon speed, and gives your attacks a % chance based on that. If you have a 3.6speed weapon, your attacks will have a 3(PPM) * 3.6(weaponspeed) / 60 (sec per min) = 18% chance. All your white and yellow attacks with that weapon will have an 18% chance to trigger the enchant. Despite being supposedly ‘3 PPM’, that really will result in significantly more than 3 procs per minute, since all of the special attacks can proc it. Since there is no cooldown involved here, this type of enchant can feel random and streaky, instead of reliable. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing though, as you are just as likely to get lucky and get several procs in a row, which can be exciting. Some stats, primarily haste, will increase the frequency of these procs. However, since they vary heavily based on weapon speed, and how many special attacks you’re doing, these can proc significantly more or less for one class/spec/weapon than another, making them difficult to balance.

So, there are pros and cons of both of those types of procs. We’re trying a new system for these enchants. This new system, nicknamed Real PPM, aims to give the random nature of procs, the scaling with haste, and the ability for us to balance them assuming a standard proc frequency. Here’s the short version of how you can expect them to function:

  • [*=left]Windsong is 2 Real PPM, and Elemental Force is 10 Real PPM.
    [*=left]Come patch 5.1, Dancing Steel and Jade Spirit will be 2 Real PPM, River's Song will be 4 Real PPM, and Colossus will be 6 Real PPM
    [*=left]Regardless of how you’re attacking or healing, slow or fast, with DoTs or direct heals, whatever, you can expect to get the same proc frequency, on average.
    [*=left]Dual wielding and having both weapons enchanted with the same enchant will double the frequency of procs that you get.
    [*=left]This Real PPM is increased by your haste %. (The highest of your melee, ranged, or spell haste is chosen).
    [*=left]Simple as that. Whether you’re an Affliction Warlock dealing very frequent DoT ticks and Malefic Grasp ticks, or a Holy Paladin casting purely Holy Lights, or a Combat Rogue quickly attacking and using specials, or an Enhancement Shaman attacking with slow melee attacks and spells, or a Shadow Priest channeling Mind Sear on fifty Onyxian Whelps, you’ll get 2*Haste Windsong procs or 10*Haste Elemental Force procs per enchant per minute.
    [*=left]We’re excited to see how this proc system works out. If it works well, we may start using it for more types of procs. Feedback about how it feels is most welcome.

Here are even more nitty gritty details, if you’re interested:

  • [*=left]It can proc from any damage/healing event. It keeps track of the last time it had a chance to proc for that enchant.
    [*=left]It calculates the difference in time since the last chance to proc. It uses that time to determine the chance for that event to trigger a proc.
    [*=left]For example, if you have 22% Haste, it was 1.4sec since the last chance to proc, and you’ve got Windsong, then the chance to proc is 2(ppm) * 1.22(haste) * 1.4(time since last chance) / 60 (sec per min) = 5.693%.
    [*=left]The ‘time since the last chance to proc’ is capped at 10sec, so that your first attack of a fight isn’t a guaranteed proc.

just a little insight if u fancy the read.
What do you guys think about the expertise enchants on gloves or wrists?
over all i think it would be better to just stick to agi. expertise is more important for tanking pve because no matter what you do the boss is facing right at you . you can't sneak behind it as a tank. as a dps its kindah silly to gear for expertise in my opinion. if you can just stay behind your enemy then you don't need any at all.

gearing a dps stat like agi or ap increases your damage . gearing expertise helps counteract you sucking.
so if u don't suck it doesn't do much for you .

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