BiS Shadow/Disc?

Hello Kiaya!

ive been playing disc for almost all the time in 85 twinking. And here is what i use 95% of the time, glyphs, talents, and gear:

Ägge @ Al'Akir - Community - World of Warcraft

You can ofcourse argue about some stuff, but we all like different things. This has worked very well for me, im allways way ahead in healing done and around middle and up in dmg done. And almost never dies eather, so this is why i use this setup with gear and talents etc. Tho i want to get my hands on this item: since it has that "last stand" on use ability. I belive its very handy since a melee cleave really can oneshot u if u are not 100% prepared, and that last stand-effect really would make an difference i belive. Sadly are my server 4% alliance only. So i guess finding it on the ah will not happen.

Note: this is not an arena build, its for Battlegrounds mainly.
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oh ok ^^
well how was i suppose to know? =P

So u are Hapslute. Did some games today. i was very dizzy and we just had like me as a twink. i kinda /afk and falled asleep right away.. x)
Having fever atm so i cant stay up for more then like, one game or so untill my body literally self destructs.... -.-

oh well. this was ot :)
Has been months since i played my priest. No idea if my gear is still bis (resilience obviously isn't that good anymore)

Marvvan @ Illidan - Community - World of Warcraft

Yeah thats right, pvp gear are crap right now. At first i kinda hated it all, since now u cant run around as a disc ignoring dmg u take as before. i watched some of my clips from the last patch and it's just insane on how it all has changed! Now u have to be on the toes all the time and save the dispel and cds for just the right time. Or else u are dead in a stun/silence. Just like that ;)

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