BiS rogue?

Medanx is pretty close. Sludge-cake or Throat Piercers for thrown is better and I agree with Kill about Protector's band being a better option than Ello's. Certainly if you're a P2P 20 Rogue there are some other pieces that are better (BoA cloak mainly and a few BoEs). If you get really lucky Doomspike is best MH and Axe of the Enforcer is best OH. But those are crazy rare and would be hard (but not impossible) for a P2P twink to get.

Inkobah said:
Medanx is pretty close. Sludge-cake or Throat Piercers for thrown is better and I agree with Kill about Protector's band being a better option than Ello's. Certainly if you're a P2P 20 Rogue there are some other pieces that are better (BoA cloak mainly and a few BoEs). If you get really lucky Doomspike is best MH and Axe of the Enforcer is best OH. But those are crazy rare and would be hard (but not impossible) for a P2P twink to get.


Sludge caked and throat piercers are unobtainable for f2p alliance 20s.
Grody1 said:
Sludge caked and throat piercers are unobtainable for f2p alliance 20s.

Indeed. Thanks for clarifying though since I didn't specify that. :) Perhaps now that people know that they'll be more apt to roll a Horde char now.

I'm F2P though, and the only thrown we can get as ally is the one trough blacksmithing (Thick bronze darts). I recommend getting them as well (if you are ally), they are really nice, remember we can put poison on thrown (crippelin FTW)

IMO Ello's is much better. For me, 1 stam is worth as much as 1 agi. And Id rather take 1 stam or 1 agi over 3 strength

Basically its

1 agility 4 strenght


3 stamina 3 hit rating


0.17 crit, 0.24 dodge and 6 attack power


30 health and 1.39 hit chance

Having high hit rating gives ofc more white hits, but most importantly helps you kill 24's and high stamina helps you to survive after a nuke.

Crit and AP are both really nice, but after doing over 100 WSG's in this bracket Im confident in the fact that I have high enough crit and ap to not sacrafice hit or stamina

Just my 20 cent:p
Fast offhand = more crippling poison procs which is quite nice against taurens who have a lot of nature resist. I would actually prefer sharpened scarlet kris or doomspike in the offhand. I'm still trying to decide whether I would like a dagger or sword MH because backstab consumes a ton of energy. Lastly, playing as a 20 ellos is better in case of pesky 24s.
kirone said:
Hello i was looking for a BiS rogue guide for level 20-24

In this section of the forum you are looking for a BiS rogue guide for level 20, with trial restrictions.

Or a lot of grief about how you must suck at PvP to need a 24 and P2P gear.
Rivfader said:
Fast offhand = more crippling poison procs which is quite nice against taurens who have a lot of nature resist. I would actually prefer sharpened scarlet kris or doomspike in the offhand. I'm still trying to decide whether I would like a dagger or sword MH because backstab consumes a ton of energy. Lastly, playing as a 20 ellos is better in case of pesky 24s.

I actually use Sharpened scarlet kris for this very reason:)
Rivfader said:
Fast offhand = more crippling poison procs which is quite nice against taurens who have a lot of nature resist. I would actually prefer sharpened scarlet kris or doomspike in the offhand. I'm still trying to decide whether I would like a dagger or sword MH because backstab consumes a ton of energy. Lastly, playing as a 20 ellos is better in case of pesky 24s.

Wait a minute. Did Blizzard change it back to how it was? Because I remember it getting changed to being normalized. Slower weapons having a higher proc chance.

That crippling on thrown is new to me. Will have to pick up a thrown for sure now. I dearly miss Deadly Throw.
Parfait said:
Wait a minute. Did Blizzard change it back to how it was? Because I remember it getting changed to being normalized. Slower weapons having a higher proc chance.

That crippling on thrown is new to me. Will have to pick up a thrown for sure now. I dearly miss Deadly Throw.

I remember that as well, but Im 99% sure that crip poison was left out and that the normalizer only applied/applies to the dmg poisons
Crippling poison never got changed to a ppm, it has always been a 50% chance per hit (unglyphed). Doomspike being a 1.4 sec dagger would be the best OH, but sharpened scarlet kris is a close second and more readily available. Wicked dagger is the best MH dagger, but I have a feeling that using venerable dal'rend's sacred charge and just SSing for CPs will end up being a better route.

edit: Lastly, thrown in PvP always, even if it's just the starter thrown wep. That's what I use because it's the fastest I can find which gives me more opportunity to proc a crip poison before I get ranged.
Rivfader said:
Crippling poison never got changed to a ppm, it has always been a 50% chance per hit (unglyphed). Doomspike being a 1.4 sec dagger would be the best OH, but sharpened scarlet kris is a close second and more readily available. Wicked dagger is the best MH dagger, but I have a feeling that using venerable dal'rend's sacred charge and just SSing for CPs will end up being a better route.

edit: Lastly, thrown in PvP always, even if it's just the starter thrown wep. That's what I use because it's the fastest I can find which gives me more opportunity to proc a crip poison before I get ranged.

I checked SS with sword vs backstab with dagger and got rughly 3.1 damage for (hypothetically) 1 energy spent with sinister strike (with my gear) and 4.1 damage (hypothetically) for 1 energy spent with backstab (also with my gear).

So IMO Backstab is far superior. Other benefits of going daggers is that it cant get dodged or parried, more burst and more poison ppm with white hits.

Another plus is that Ambush does more damage with daggers, if you were to use a dagger for ambush and go over to sword after the opener you would get weapon swich CD

- Not saying all these facts to you (Im sure you know) but to others that might read
Bite of Serra'kis is actually arguably BiS offhand as long as you don't mind the proc messing up a gouge. I'd actually like Cataclysm formulas for moves. Wowhead has some of it, but has weird weapon normalizing values. I'm not too sure if the old AP/14*1.7 for dagger moves still applies.

I decided to just respec mutilate today to try it and my god the yellow dmg sucks. It really needs Seal Fate, Puncturing Wounds and good crit to be worth a damn.
See my thought is speccing initiative and relentless strikes and using SS for CPs. Fights tend to last longer for f2p so I dislike the energy consumption of backstab. When I get around to grabbing dal'rend's then I'll try it out. It's worth noting that 5 CP evisc does more damage than ambush.

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