BiS rogue ?

He told me he was just lvling for a little bit then he will have some of his friends from Blizzard delete his Wotlk expac from his acct. Said he was bored and wanted to also get some footage for a new video.
How can you trust it? Its not posted by Akrios, and btw, Akrios' skype, warcraftmovies and email acc has been hacked to advertise, you can read it in front page....
Well look at the date of the post Akrios made about the hacking. He would not have posted that and then got hacked he posted that after he got hacked and after he changed on his info. If you look at the date that seperation wrote what he wrote its after. Couse he put like Apr 22, 2011. And seperation is a author of Roguerogue and would not lie about Akrios playing with him or not playing with him. I can bet money he didnt put a post on the homepage just couse he does not want everyone knowing he is playing there untill he is 85 or untill he decides what he is doing in the game.
I am totally getting keylogger vibes off this guy.

Like maybe the website that was hacked is being used to lure more people into the trap?

Either way it does not feel right...
No I am just a huge fanboy of Akrios and I know alot of people are so I thought I would let people know that he is playing agian.
who cares about whatshisdick from

never even heard of the twat, plus he's 73
Lol maybe try going to and type in the search Akrios. If you go to hall of fame on he is rank 2.... He is like one of the best rogues in the world. And he is only 73 couse that was his twink acct. He was a 5time glad.
and yet totally unknown except by a self proclaimed fan boy who just joined TI and has 8 posts. maybe youre this rogue fellow trying to drum up fans?
No, Akrios would never draw this type of attention to himself. This strikes me as someone setting up to imitate him. It's happened to Akrios multiple times because he is pretty well known in the rogue community. Still, all this ruckus over someone who isn't currently playing the game is a bit silly. And while his movies are amazing (although I'm partial to rogue PvP vids) he isn't the best to ever play.
I dont understand why you guys would think its fake. I mean its posted on buy Seperation. Why would Seperation lie about him playing with him on LS. Just saying I am betting the only reason Akrios does not post something is couse it will bring to much attention to him and he prolly does not want that. But I just think its cool that he is playing agian. People never believe things even when it says so buy another Author of the site lol
ohh I wonder why, perhaps cause its posted at the top of a OLD article from back in LK? thats a year old!

your not gonna manage to convince anyone and you've already been trying to fake being Akrios on this forum. non will ever believe a word you say.
yea deepz youre an idiot, you ruined your game by making the other name on the same IP. and i dont trust this seperation fellow b/c he cant even spell separation.
Here's an easy way for Deepz to understand what everyone else on the forums is thinking. Its like when you're a kid, there is THE santa, and then there is aton of mall santas. Deepz is essentially a mall Santa

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