BiS resto shaman for horde?

Both of them are decent. Troll Berserking is better then Orc Bloodfury and Orc Hardiness is better then Trolls Da Voodoo Shuffle.

I picked troll for the cast animations and Shield of the Barrens looks good on them.

I wish someone could tell me just how much in combat hp regen trolls got but I have not been able to find anything.
Tauren for the nature resist, AoE Stun, and slight increase in HP.

Nothing is better than resisting a wind shear.
Mrcer said:
Tauren for the nature resist, AoE Stun, and slight increase in HP.

Nothing is better than resisting a wind shear.

I don't think wind shears miss or resist anymore, as of 4.2. -- all interrupts are guaranteed. Purges can get resisted, though.
I looked over the patch notes and couldn't find anything that relates to that...
If you roll Tauren grind out some Goblin rep pronto. Tauren + Kodo will get you stuck in WSG tunnel and AB buildings.

I really despise Tauren for there size alone :p
Mrcer said:
I looked over the patch notes and couldn't find anything that relates to that...

My bad, it was the 4.1 patch, April 28-29 hotfix. I've never missed with a wind shear since then. I don't recall ever having a wind shear resisted, either, but that's not in the patch notes.
Ah that would explain it. Thanks for the update lol :p

For resto, I would probably go troll.

If you plan on going DPS then I'd go orc.
Bwappo said:
I don't think wind shears miss or resist anymore, as of 4.2. -- all interrupts are guaranteed. Purges can get resisted, though.

I thought the change only affected block dodge and parry. I have my own question that is somewhat related, do totems still not benefit from hit and spell pen?

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