BiS race!


Now since patch 5.0.4. What race do you think are BiS for each class?
I know there is no correct answer. Its a matter of opinion. But I would like to know what you guys think.
And yes! Horde only races lol. No one wants to know what BiS race their are for Alliance. Because their all OP lol
rocket jump
Ally racials op??
probally right ona few
Panda's get 16 STAM of best food
Bouncy(ingame BASE jumper here)
and a 3 sec disable
I love the panda racials, but Nelve is my main race, not gonna leave it on my rogue/feral
goblin-boots jump and 110 alchemy for infinite healing potions +minor magic resistance potions(not sure what they will do to those though but they were amazing i always have some on my 24 huntard)

And..alliance racials op?The fuk.Try playing a draenei.All i get is a almost useless 3 MINUTE CD heal and1%hit. The shadow resist is like a slap to the face(screw you belfs and your OP arcane resists).The jewelcrafting is useless aswell due to alchemy/herb>all

Ally gets EMFHS(op'd as trial,2 min racial trinket
Shadowmeld is honestly the most overpowered racial in this game, for any class.
i say EMFH best racial ever. all the other ones are meh to me.

but this panda food buff.... cmon now thats a bit OP...
i think goblins racial will be OP for any ranged/caster DPS class
its best used for a get away more than a gap closer. because you have to aim it on point for it to be a gap closer. much easier to just jump away from them
Shadowmeld is honestly the most overpowered racial in this game, for any class.

I have to agree. That racial has so many uses and good players excel with it. EMFHS frees a trinket slot and gives you a shorter CD, which is very nice don't get me wrong. Shadowmeld though, enables restealth for rogue/druid and incombat charge for warrior. That's just the beginning of it though. Even if you are mindlessly pew-pewing in a large group, shadowmeld will often save you when focused because most enemies will switch target by the time you reappear.

WotF has not been among the top racials since I started Råtten 6ish years ago, but now with its replacement perhaps undead will have something besides the best look ;-)
Now since patch 5.0.4. What race do you think are BiS for each class?
I know there is no correct answer. Its a matter of opinion. But I would like to know what you guys think.
And yes! Horde only races lol. No one wants to know what BiS race their are for Alliance. Because their all OP lol

Undead is currently still BiS race for any class that has access to it. Oh and Undead is being buffed in MoP.
Undead is currently still BiS race for any class that has access to it. Oh and Undead is being buffed in MoP.

I solo-PUG 98%, and find Cannibalize more usefull than WotF most games, but against decent Warlocks (and priests when you can't keep distance) it's very handy. I would still have way more use for Shadowmeld for the games I encounter.
I solo-PUG 98%, and find Cannibalize more usefull than WotF most games, but against decent Warlocks (and priests when you can't keep distance) it's very handy. I would still have way more use for Shadowmeld for the games I encounter.

Just wait until the next Patch, everybody be rollin warlocks/priests and then you'll be like:

"Dat MrCer kid was so rite dafaq"

EDIT: Undead Frost DK still the most Overpowered Class/Race @85 w/ 5 Trinkets.
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WotF and the ton of shadow resist Undead brings has helped me tons of times pushing locks and priest nests.

Regardless of that, EMFH and Shemalemeld definitely can be used in more situations. However racials are only as good as the timing its used in.

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