Bis hunter

Shadowmeld + Feign Death = WIN when vs any other Hunter/class. If an Aimed Shot lands on you, may god have mercy on your soul.

Take it from me, if you're gunna play a Hunter, get used to facing them cuz they're everywhere. Almost all Hunters play the class poorly and there are only a handful of players that can represent the class well.

IMO Tauren is BiS for Horde. War Stomp guarantees you land the kill and that extra Stamina shines once you get full epics...
Shadowmeld + Feign Death = WIN when vs any other Hunter/class. If an Aimed Shot lands on you, may god have mercy on your soul.

Take it from me, if you're gunna play a Hunter, get used to facing them cuz they're everywhere. Almost all Hunters play the class poorly and there are only a handful of players that can represent the class well.

IMO Tauren is BiS for Horde. War Stomp guarantees you land the kill and that extra Stamina shines once you get full epics...
Whats the stam % at 20. And whats orcs pet dmg/ ap buff at 20

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