BiS for a few classes

chíll said:
i know where it originated, and it was very "hip" or "deck" as i believe the hipsters define it, to draw X's on their hands and arms and beneath or beside your eyes.. just saying, that when even your brain knows full well that alcohol and sex will fuck it up, yet still goes "my precious!.. we mussssssst haves its yesyes.." then it might be a good idea to re-evaluate wether or not its necessary...

i apologise sincerely for this off-topicing.. so back on topic, these guys are correct, theres a pretty "deck" guide section, with just about all the answers to your question =)

Are you honestly this fucking retarded or just pretending? Seriously.
you worthless posters need to stop, I'm asking for some help and you guys are being very annoying. take it to another post or the tavern, and help me with a BiS list. rifvader is basically the only one who has helped so far, but you guys need to just stop
Hey buddy, remember every single day when you screamed at me in vent to delete my inactive hunters? uhh ya???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

oh the hypocrisy!
soggy said:
you worthless posters need to stop, I'm asking for some help and you guys are being very annoying. take it to another post or the tavern, and help me with a BiS list. rifvader is basically the only one who has helped so far, but you guys need to just stop

This thread was done after the advice to GTFO the 19's forums and go look at the guides. They are there for a reason. That reason is not for people to ignore those threads then ask redundant questions in unrelated threads. You want a gear guide go to the gear guide section, otherwise your thread will be hijacked for nonsense and whimsical conversations as is happening now.

Have a nice day
soggy said:
you worthless posters need to stop, I'm asking for some help and you guys are being very annoying. take it to another post or the tavern, and help me with a BiS list. rifvader is basically the only one who has helped so far, but you guys need to just stop

Dude, are you like blind or something? In the 2nd comment I wrote that you should visit the guide's section

Be a big bad warrior tink like bronzebear
chíll said:


alcohol. it helps the anger.

No no no, what he needs is the ganja my fwiend...he can save his liver from the alco and get the munchies at the same time
Diiesel said:
Meh, your avatar makes you look like Justin Bieber

Sorry but your avatar makes you look like a typical American Sheeple that still believes in the Democrat Republican system of corruption.
Neither, the better choice is to speak out against the system. Why is it that we can only have 2 choices in the first place? 2 sides on the same coin, 2 wings on the same bird
Turdel said:
Neither, the better choice is to speak out against the system. Why is it that we can only have 2 choices in the first place? 2 sides on the same coin, 2 wings on the same bird

Is this why you pro it up on a warrior?
Turdel consider playing LoL. Trundel is litterally a troll champion in LoL, play him some and maybe you'll learn something.

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