Hm I'm not sure if it will be rare, I myself have my twinks on
alliance side on a realm with my old main.
71 atm but cba leveling as I lose alot of time raiding on my new horde
main as it is.
I would ofc like BoA items, and my main is drowning in emblems,
so easy decision to swap my Shammy over, make it Tauren ( warstomp, hp ftw )
and load it up with Inferno Robes, Screecher belt, Band of Arugal for HP set, the stam shield, etc...
Maybe the just-for-gear rerollers would be abit more rare, but
heck I have been jealous from moment 1 I found out about the Inferno Robes!
Wouldn't surprise me if people did so, as I consider myself as one who would.