BiS, Faction no longer Counts!!

i might change one of my alliance 49's into horde. i've never had the courage to totally reroll a new horde (never had one past lvl 20, and that was on a friends server hah) but with this new idea i might take my warrior or shaman and change em into orcs if at all possible. horde have some very nice quest rewards @ 49, plus i have friends that are horde that ive played with/against for years in the bracket.
i'd be buying those TCG cards to begin with. Only if i was into playing it, those who buy those cards just for the fun of having the wow item are just that, whack people... and no there isn't much twinks i've seen with the turtle up to this point. thus prooving my point !
you don't see people with the tgc turtle, because while it may look cute - its terrible. You go faster with minor speed to boots than you do with mithral spurs/riding speed glove enchant :p People spend lots of money on tgc tabards, Flags on Ownership, transfers and such - yes you may not see every 19 twink with items from both side, but the ones who really care will.
I'm gonna make my NE rogue into a UD rogue and switch to Medivh to join the Twink Info guild.
Hm I'm not sure if it will be rare, I myself have my twinks on

alliance side on a realm with my old main.

71 atm but cba leveling as I lose alot of time raiding on my new horde

main as it is.

I would ofc like BoA items, and my main is drowning in emblems,

so easy decision to swap my Shammy over, make it Tauren ( warstomp, hp ftw )

and load it up with Inferno Robes, Screecher belt, Band of Arugal for HP set, the stam shield, etc...

Maybe the just-for-gear rerollers would be abit more rare, but

heck I have been jealous from moment 1 I found out about the Inferno Robes!

Wouldn't surprise me if people did so, as I consider myself as one who would.

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