BiS, Faction no longer Counts!!

O.k. so how many players can we expect to change faction just to be able to get the other factions quest items. I know I'll be getting the Cindercloth Robe for my warlock and the wing blade for my rogue both, alliance characters. So what are the must get items for each class now that faction will no longer be a limiting factor?
It won't be free, and I doubt you will be able to change factions and keep your quest faction specific gear. IMO I may make my 80 rogue a BE, but that's where it ends.
So all those high level players with faction gear in every slot will be striped when converted? I doubt it. Blizzard will hear to many complaint from players who spent countless hours getting faction and quest items. Why should they block the swaping of faction gear, all it does is level the playing field.
Character said:
So all those high level players with faction gear in every slot will be striped when converted? I doubt it. Blizzard will hear to many complaint from players who spent countless hours getting faction and quest items. Why should they block the swaping of faction gear, all it does is level the playing field.

This is actually a good point. If you have all faction/quest items from horde would they get removed if you transfered to alliance? I agree this could cause a bit of a problem at higher levels. Especially if the item is essential for class development.
I am sure they will put restrictions on this, don't get too excited until something more is actually found out. They said you will turn into the same class of the opposite faction (your choice of race) with ABOUT EQUIVALENT GEAR - I highly doubt it will be 100% the same. I don't think you'll see undead rogues with Seal of Wrynn and Tunic of Westfall and Gutterblade.

But that's just what I think, we'll learn more as time goes on I sappose
More importantly, all they really care about are 80s as they said in the post (people leveled their character on opposite side factions from their friends) and what gear can I not get as horde that alliance can use at 80? All I can think of is the new T9 gear but that is just graphically different.
Finks said:
It won't be free, and I doubt you will be able to change factions and keep your quest faction specific gear. IMO I may make my 80 rogue a BE, but that's where it ends.

I agree... If blizzard actually does this, they are going to lose a lot of /respect from me... Anyone else?

Then maybe they should make a level cap for it "Must be level 60+ to use this" =/
I agree canihascookie, sex change was one thing (and i 'somewhat' agreed with it) but changing your race/faction is complete B.S. to me. Oh what? You chose a gnome warrior instead of a human, and human racials are OP? Oh well - Reroll if its that big a difference!

I hate how blizzard caters to everyone's bitching and complaining. If there is one aspect of the game some whiny kid doesn't like, blizzard fixes it, with a cost of $25 of course. It is really sad to see them implement shit like this, especially after they introduced the sex change and stated they would NEVER implement a race change because it is too game-breaking and out of lore/content/acceptability, let alone a faction change...
Well, we cant forget about the all freaking important blue post that I saw a while back

We have no intention of doing anything to balancing out the low level PVP brackets

Well, if blizzard has decided to make twinks happy then make them angry, this will do it...



The world of warcraft (as i know it) is coming to a end gentlemen...

/e Wanders off to get drunk...
Kek nao you can has inferno's robe on an alliance mage?

Personally, I would hate to see the diversity go away in gear... but eh, what do I know...

Thanks blizzard!
The majority of people don't twink, and that means that the majority will probably like this. I twink a lot, but I also have a 80 human priest that I don't play. Now he can be a troll instead! ^^
Yeah...right now its nice, allaince has some things we don't, and horde have some alliance don't (yeah yeah QQ horde has more) but if they do this, how many guild are going to make it manditory that you switch to get the BiS for your toon? I really don't like this, but w/e - we'll see how it works

I'm not jumpin to anything, because this change won't happen for like 5 months+ - but man this game has deteriorated since vanilla (imho)
Reality check...

you're gonna pay 25$ just to be able to get inferno robe ?

blizzard said it was a new service, you're gonna pay for it, real money !

you really think that twinking will get away with it that easily ?

believe it when i say that an alliance with inferno robe on will be extremely rare !

i dont say people won't do it, but i am saying that only the most whackiest of all twinks will be doing it, they are quite rare if you ask me !
ArthurianKnight said:
believe it when i say that an alliance with inferno robe on will be extremely rare

And all of the other caster items that you get from questing such as the DawnBlade and the Traq Cloak, but yea. I agree with you there... Alliance toons with inferno robe will be extremely rare... unless we get a new generation of hardcore twinkers (doubt it XD)
I bet you will see a lot more than you think, people that are serious about twinking with 25k+ HK's will gladly pay 25$ to change race and get a whole bunch of new BiS gear. If people pay 25$ regularly to transfer servers and buy TGC items, I don't think it'll be too rare, not amongst the people who really care atleast.
I think it comes down to, What will make Blizzard money? If allowing twinks to transfer factions to get items and then transfer back nets them $50 extra bucks they profit. Now it falls on the player, what are you willing to do to stay competitave in the BGs?
i really don't think you'll be able to keep your faction specific items when you change, but hey...blizzard has done crazier things

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