I prefer Elemental Force for premades and Crusader for Solo Queue.
Elemental Force cranks your burst up to 11, you're guaranteed to do additional damage, on hit. Whereas Crusader procs, and then you have to cause additional hits which isn't always guaranteed. In an organized environment when you're guaranteed heals, you need to guarantee DPS and Elemental Force does that in more ways than one.
Crusader is great because It provides 200 ATP and a 80-140 heal and procs more than dancing steel in my experience. This is great for pugging where you only have yourself to depend on, I've gotten into several situations where 2+ crusader Procs alone secured returns in situations where I was 1v2+, even if I died to get the return.
Crusader is a bread and butter enchant for a chaotic environment that also satisfies anyones' lust for nostalgia.
Elemental Force shows you what happens when an unstoppable force meets movable objects.