BiS 80 pve lock


looks good but wouldnt bis gear vary by spec? in lk at least they had different weights for haste/crit/etc

i dont even remember the haste break points anymore =/
Yeah indeed, i was reading all kind of lock dps guides etc, seems like affli is best single dps at 85 atm dunno about 80 then. As affli i should stack haste and mastery.
stack haste until the highest break point you can, then reforge it into mastery (or crit, etc). break point for extra tick that is, after a break point theres no real need for it since you should already be have the gcd down

is demo still good for the raid buff? demo might be viable too...dont really know, havent played my lock since lk =/
Don't stack mastery, stack haste to about 43%ish, thats when UA ticks an extra 2/3 times, (Can't remember), then get 17% hit.

EDIT: For Afflic anyway, Demo does good dps, destro is shit.
Mastery = DoT damage, alot of your damage will come from haunt + shadowbolt, haste>mastery. And that isn't cap but it's the highest amount you can get where UA will retick.
80s prolly different tho due to mastery scaling and having tons of haste/crit too. all about reaching your highest haste break point, then id go mastery with crit last just cuz it should be enough on your gear + raid buffs
Bumping thread as i finally decied to lvl my lock 80.

Doing pve as demo, mastery stacking is best way to go, pet critting 37k shadow bites and 40k hand of guldan's in meta form. I also tried destro and affli in pve but they seems weaker. Only spec i tried in pvp was destro and burst is really insane but i have problems against ferals and rogues when i get silenced/ stunlocked im usually dead in few seconds.

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