Sß @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft
Have I overlooked something? [SUP]beside 2ng agi rib[/SUP]
Have I overlooked something? [SUP]beside 2ng agi rib[/SUP]
why do you spam your irrelevant normie trash in every thread I come across
please kys you smelly autist
Looks good for the most part,
Should drop lw and pick up engi tho. (leg chant does not req anything).
Also should test scaling on legs/bracers/belt/chest, scaling on the ilvl 100+ is so bad that not even gems salvages them.
Pretty sure for example ramp legs will beat those pretty easy.
Loom cloak you sould lose and go either glasscannon- dark phantom cape or ap/stam - firemaw cloak or balanced- aq 20 class cloak best mix of crit stam agi.
And I would go crit over versi.
I'd think you'd want more haste > crit as enhance but I'm not too familiar with BiS for 69. Pretty mean looking shaman man
Whats your agi like on procs?
Yeah the cloak looks off, do 70 cloaks with sockets scale bad? Cause you know, usually sockets > everything.
I also still wonder about set bonuses, do they scale, are they usable at any level? I didn 't look much into the scaling in battlegrounds stuff since I don't PvP a lot, but I know it screwed up like the entire game, so that might be something to look at.
Why does it have to be orc ;<
This sham will be 70 eventually which is why Im keeping LW for now, to reapply leg enchant . Will definetly re-level engineering once that's done.
It's important to note what I was gearing for: Maximum damage with a certain balance (not max agi). Approximately 1 Agi = 4 Haste = 5 Crit = 4 Stam
Mail Armor - Items - World of Warcraft Using appropriate filters, you can see that the only comparable bracers are Auchenai Bracers which are +1 Agi, +3 Stam for -11 Haste (uninstanced). I choose the haste here.
Leggings, Scale Leggings of the Skirmisher you mentionned have, instanced, as much Agi, +2 Stam, -3 Crit, -8 Haste, therefore clearly inferior.
This belt is the only socketable mail belt <69, but you made me double-check and I will have to verify scaling on Ossirian's Binding & Heavy Timbermaw Belt. Not sure if they beat 38 Agility instanced.
As for chest, I really wish I had farmed a Atal'ai Breastplate of Agility/Power pre-2011 but I didn't. There may be an odd lower level chest like Ogre Forged Hauberk or Obsidian Plate Tunic with more agi (atlhough I doubt they even beat it), but way less stam/crit/haste, so I consider what I have equipped as BiS for max itemization
In the boots department, there are no mail sockets, so there's a few interesting choices. Elven Chain Boots are max agi, Bone Golem Boots higher stam/itemization, easily swapped depending on needs.
And the despised heirloom cloak... I have Dark Phantom Cape in bags for maximum AP, but it's far too much stats loss vs. gains for it to be considered BiS. Firemaw is an hybrid between the two, but a little weak. AQ class cloak does come close, but you have to give up too much haste.
Crit over Versa? Care to explain why?
Crit scales badly in pvp, 150% of regular damage instead of 200% in pve.
Going Crit over Versa would mean ~60% (non-crit) of my heals will heal for less, while 40% (crits) will overheal me unless Im at 10-15% HP.
Since this set is low on stam and pretty glass-canon, it's important to survive between maelstrom heals and the versa is needed for this. Crit does nearly nothing for survivability. Crit is inferior to haste for Enh anyways.
Versa means higher potential damage AND higher survivability. We're not even sure if crit means higher overall damage.
Thanks for the constructive input!
Yep yep, haste > crit for reduced SS/LL cooldowns and quick OP healing surges!
1300 AP with procs, instanced. That's with 40 AP flask and 13 agi food, although Elixir of Empowerement is superior.
At 70 you want Cloak of Unforgivable Sin for max itemization, but why are we talking about 70 in the first place?
There are no set bonuses worth using for a 69 Enh shaman, sadly. I sure do love abusing them on other toons.
That's not even close to being a reasonable question!
BiS race by far for -20% Stun Duration & Blood Fury (max potential damage race). Also +1% Spirit Wolves damage but that's small.
Not only that, orcs have fucking enormous shoulders, awesome animations for enhance, and are a perfectly fitting race for shamans.
You could maybe pick up some "Deft" gems, not sure if they're available at 79 but I'm pretty sure they are. Haste / Agil set could be boss
Yes there is one, but for casters: Cloak of the BetrayedOh there is no cloak with sockets for 69? I thought there was one, fair enough then.
why do you reply to every irrelevant normie trash post I make
please kys you smelly autist
Because they're completely offtopic and fill up threads, spergboy.
I can explain myself, you can't.
Because they're completely offtopic and fill up threads, spergboy.
I can explain myself, you can't.