Healing Crit: 4.3K on retrybution paladin lv 20: Falsh of Light
Damage Crit: 2.1K on Feral Druid lv 20 : Efc 4 stacks + Savage Roar +Tiger's Fury + Elixir of Minor Agility using Feroucious Bite
How did u made a 4.3k FoL?
Dark Regeneration, malefic grasp is a high level affliction channeled DPS4k fol is easy on a ret . just do it on a warlock when they have that malific grasp thingy on
First time criting on 7 stack fulm, but then again i havent been playing much recently.
On a 24 holy pally. No stacks or zerker.
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thanks. i just sharted my pants. you owe me a new pair of underwear, sir.I once did 250 with Lava Lash.
edit: I had zerker.