Biggest problem of 5.4!

inc rage/qq...

did you know that warlock and mage also has 5 buttons to spam?Hey.. so you like showing off those rare 1k crits on ''poor druids''and I like destroying these cloth geared warlocks and mages and watch them melt. You like spamming fear and counterspell on healers? I like ambushing those that spam counterspell.

This game and skill dont go together, sorry. You need a basic understanding of enemy spells and abilities and what you are capable of in each situation but that's about it

At least some are finally getting it, if I couldn't drill it into your heads, pugs will. f2p warlocks and mages don't belong in 20-24 battlegrounds. Do arenas,skirmishes, duel your friends but take them somewhere else.
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Yeah give skirmishes back! Can't think of why Blizzard removed them from the game.
I did 1.6k crit with my nelf rogue , on random player with 30% buff ! Here's the Photo , this is waht a BoA rogue can do.View attachment 2788 .


  • WoWScrnShot_091113_120925.jpg
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Is that what it is? D: I like to think of it as "challenging." :)

But to be perfectly honest I've been able to cap a lot more since the patch dropped. Since people are squishier and I only need one good returner on my team to gank the efc, our flag is more likely to be home when I get to the cap point. Last patch a mediocre efc with the right heals could survive 4+ people. Now instead of kiting in base waiting on a return, the only hard part is crossing mid alive.

Idk if people will adjust or hotfixes will change this, but for the moment I'm definitely enjoying myself.
inc rage/qq...

Mage's/Warlocks are beyond playable in this patch.

I can solo a Rogue no problem.. so they open with an ambush with ticks and I blink/kite/kill. Fine. However after a 1k ambush and a 500 tick or w.e, im down to >25% health. There is no way I can solo 2+ people on my Mage, I just don't have enough HP/Armour. Everyone's re rolling Rogue of course, there was 5+ rogues in the WSG's I played. Really annoying because i've been building up footage for a PvP movie i'm making, suppose I will have to wait till this bullsh*t is fixed! In the mean time i'm going P2P and leveling a Mage to end game... I suggest if you are a Mage/Warlock lover you do 1 of the 4 options - Quit wow/take break, go p2p, re roll a shitty easy class or carry on and get raped every BG by retards with no skill who can spam '1'.

Hunters are retarded as per, they are just as stupid but with stronger damage, the focus thing doesn't make a difference if you are 1 v 1'ing, in fact i die quicker than last patch. No surprise here, anyone who play's Hunter is an actual IRL fucktard.

24's are retarded as per, same old shit but with stronger damage/more HP/stronger heals. Sometimes i wonder if these 24's just want to be level 90 in 20-24 bracket.. "OMG YAY KILLING BLOWS :DDD IM SO SKILLED< PUR LA HORDE!!! KBS<3".... GTFO.

Protection Paladins are retarded as per, a tank class doing 1k crits with silence.. doing more damage than DPS, yeah whatever.

Druids running around shape shifting out of all my fucking CC.. GG retards, click your speed pots and spam rejuv, quick! Feral - gay cat, resto - gay deer, balance - gay owl.

Disc Priest - insane heals and bubble, does more damage than most DPS, gg.

Denouncadins, GG.

From Mage/Warlock point of view this is just a stupid patch, unfortunately a lot of Mage's/Warlocks will quit wow. I will always have my F2P and play it but it's going to have to wait. Arena's/10 man pre made's are the only way I can play my Mage at the moment.

I have every single BiS set for Mage and i've tried ALL gear sets (stam, resi, haste, trinks) etc... and none of it makes a real difference. I feel so sorry for the Mage's and Warlock's that are in the gearing process.

On a final rant/note - It's so funny how these people think they are skilled at wow, spamming 1-4 buttons makes someone good? bring back skirmishes so i can queue with a good Priest and fuck all these shitty little kids up who play shit classes. Skirmishes will separate the good from the bad, when skirmishes DO come back I can't wait to see all these retards on TI /cry because they realise it actually requires skill to play. What are you going to re roll then?!

Imagine rogues, poor rogues cant even beat mage 1vs1.
U can, but u think ur class should be able to beat more.
U should just release ur movie, u know ppl dont like to see videos that are longer then 3min. u dont like the classes ur mage cant beat...

I would love to have skirmish back too :)
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I played some BGs and I am glad that I dont pay money for this game anymore. It was obvious that every game will have 80% hunter rogues but Blizz doesnt care.

I thought F2P should attract new players to the game, good luck with tha Blizz :)

Finally time to finish my book and wait for better times. See you in the gulch!
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theres always longboarding ! :p zinnnnggggggg

but on a wow note . just do world pvp . its much more fun at times particularly for alliance if u go gank on that morshan rampart area in ashenvale good lord theres always at least 9 ppl there at a time and thats before bliz did its " we suck now so lets stick realms together" thingy . seriously . give wpvp a go .
Pretty much agreeing with Adal on the note of wpvp just find a cool spot (like the aq thread) and chillax wpvp and if 24s show up with faceroll chants just have a 90 friend come down and play bouncer.
No , to be sure check the rogue at my sig. No chants ! And Im full agi !Need FoL RoP tho :p !

Swap the hands' daggers around, Dissector has less top end damage and dps than Wicked, BiS for your set-up would be double Doomspike anyways though.

is my recently-made rogue, going Hit>AP(Agility/Strength mix on Leggionaire's Band has more AP than RoP or Argas for example)>Stam>Crit - Hit for poisons obviously. Have been farming BFD tons over the last week(s), only 1 Doomspike, no RoP yet - 2 Tree Bark Jackets, 1 Onyx Claymore, 1 Evocator's Blade, 1 Martyr's Chain, 3 Staff of the Friar, 1 Grimclaw. glhf trying.

Edit: Black Wolf Bracers doesn't fit in the build, but I'm only using it since I lost 3 crit from having to unlearn Skinning to level Herbalism/Engineering, will go Herb/Skin once I have LFH and swap to Serra'kis'. Also still need Foreman's Gloves but he hasn't let me have them yet.
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Swap the hands' daggers around, Dissector has less top end damage and dps than Wicked, BiS for your set-up would be double Doomspike anyways though.

is my recently-made rogue, going Hit>AP(Agility/Strength mix on Leggionaire's Band has more AP than RoP or Argas for example)>Stam>Crit - Hit for poisons obviously. Have been farming BFD tons over the last week(s), only 1 Doomspike, no RoP yet - 2 Tree Bark Jackets, 1 Onyx Claymore, 1 Evocator's Blade, 1 Martyr's Chain, 3 Staff of the Friar, 1 Grimclaw. glhf trying.

Edit: Black Wolf Bracers doesn't fit in the build, but I'm only using it since I lost 3 crit from having to unlearn Skinning to level Herbalism/Engineering, will go Herb/Skin once I have LFH and swap to Serra'kis'. Also still need Foreman's Gloves but he hasn't let me have them yet.

I know bro , i just dont like PvE , Especialy Bfd .

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