Biggest improvements?

I vote for Curley. He went from #10 rogue to #7 .
In all seriousness...I actually think Sneaky would have won this award :/ But currently ehh.. Beau. He was shaky there for a while but hes back up and running.
I remember when i was a young mage tink in BtB with no binds......
high horse 19s that still cant play classes after years of played time, let alone even come close to the understanding the most basic of concepts in the gulch

Raising from a 20% to a 35% is still an F mates and if you knew anything about competition you would roll 29s or 39s and play arenas exclusively for more balanced and exciting games.
Who is your 29 Derv? I played mine mostly in wrath with huargo. Double trouble. Was one of few shadow priests.
Can we stay on topic please? Either post something nice and who you think is improving or don't post at all! In sure the people that have been listed on here are feelin pretty good ATM.
played very little 29 in wrath and prior unfortunately. Wrath was kind of a joke in terms of how well reckoning did with a few exceptions ofc.

Lrig is the most common name i went by back then and in cata.

[MENTION=17392]Bakked[/MENTION] - just being realistic, sorry if people cant handle the cold hard facts : \
You're much too full of yourself, sir. Work on that attitude first then maybe MAYBE, you will improve your game play. That goes for the rest of you who are mediocre like Save and think you're top tier just because doofus Pizza decided to let you in his guild like some older gentleman letting a broken hooker into his car.

- Idiote

hows a bitch ass niga gonna call another bich ass niga a bitch ass niga, silly really doe
played very little 29 in wrath and prior unfortunately. Wrath was kind of a joke in terms of how well reckoning did with a few exceptions ofc.

Lrig is the most common name i went by back then and in cata.

[MENTION=17392]Bakked[/MENTION] - just being realistic, sorry if people cant handle the cold hard facts : \

Also i know how solid really voted for ;)
But i really would like to see Pizza or Dorigon or someone along those lines post in here since they have been playing in this bracket for awhile now.
hows a bitch ass niga gonna call another bich ass niga a bitch ass niga, silly really doe

You're still alive?
Love how people cant even go one thread without going off topic.

Your sig reads "I Piss Excellence". If there's anyone in this thread who's done anything wrong, it's you.
Calm down now tinkers lets get this back OT, no need for angry words. OT: I would say cogbrew, in my opinion, is one of the best users of clash in the bracket, he always peels me when im trying to keep up with my Offence. Theres my 2 cents :) Off topick: im out for the summer, wont be able to be on, buhbye for now tinks :D
Idiote who are you? You have been back trying to call people out left right and centre.... Btw show me that nude of your wife plz?

I'd watch what you say, bro. Trust me on that one.

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