EU+US BG Rare Buff Changes the Meta (Discussion?)


So @Brihan was the first to discover and go public with the fact that BG rares now scale up to ilvl 31

this means a lot of things that were bis even last night may not be anymore.

Here are some notable screenshots and theories as to what they might mean

BG Rare legs seem to be better than any trade glitched legs?


new BG rare rings max stats is 7, adaptable rare + bwb (if you're a vet) may have just put Lorekeeper's Ring out of commission


BG Rare chests are now the same as silvermoon epic chests, if you get an adaptable its on par with blue xakxak's lab frock



whats .2 extra dps? BG rares might be better now because more secondaries(?)

random notes
  • Green rings are still at 5 total secondary stats, meaning they are no longer equivalent to blues.
  • BG Rare weapons are (possibly?) better than epic weapons now
  • Is the slither scale / fang set still the meta? You likely get a lot more out of a full set of solid bg rare pieces. Are we going to see a return of plate hpallies?
  • Legion invasion gear is pretty much fully irrelevant now

Here are the NEW maximum stats per item

Rare-Upgraded Battleground Rewards
[TD1] (SINGLE) [/TD1][TD1] (MIXED) [/TD1] [TD1] Chest [/TD1][TD1] 8 [/TD1][TD1] 13 [/TD1][TD1] 11 [/TD1][TD1] 12 [/TD1] [TD1] Bracers [/TD1][TD1] 5 [/TD1][TD1] 7 [/TD1][TD1] 6 [/TD1][TD1] 7 [/TD1] [TD1] Legs [/TD1][TD1] 8 [/TD1][TD1] 13 [/TD1][TD1] 11 [/TD1][TD1] 12 [/TD1] [TD1] Boots [/TD1][TD1] 6 [/TD1][TD1] 9 [/TD1][TD1] 8 [/TD1][TD1] 9 [/TD1] [TD1] Rings [/TD1][TD1] 5 [/TD1][TD1] 7 [/TD1][TD1] 6 [/TD1][TD1] 7 [/TD1] [TD1] Main-Hand [/TD1][TD1] 24 int [/TD1][TD1] 6 [/TD1][TD1] 6 [/TD1][TD1] 6 [/TD1] [TD1] Off-Hand [/TD1][TD1] 13 int [/TD1][TD1] 6 [/TD1][TD1] 6 [/TD1][TD1] 6 [/TD1] [TD1] 2-Hand [/TD1][TD1] 8 str [/TD1][TD1] 13 [/TD1][TD1] 11 [/TD1][TD1] 12 [/TD1]
table courtesy of @Sin'dor

we're getting so close to rerolling being completely obsolete I can feel it, HYPE
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hrm, looks like epic 2handers still rule for weapon damage. But those BG weapons are at least on par. Survival hunters, resto shaman and holy pallies rejoice!
is .2 weapon damage that substantial? asking because I genuinely don't know that much about the scaling of wep dmg

I thought there would be a change the extra stats would compensate for the -.2 wep dps.

maybe some pieces are different, using the westfall mace as an example may not have been the greatest considering its actually a rly good wep regardless lmao
is .2 weapon damage that substantial? asking because I genuinely don't know that much about the scaling of wep dmg

I thought there would be a change the extra stats would compensate for the -.2 wep dps.

maybe some pieces are different, using the westfall mace as an example may not have been the greatest considering its actually a rly good wep regardless lmao
depends on the class and the weapon.

Some 2 handers are as high as 6.2 DPS. That's worth a few points of damage on abilities. Over the course of a fury warrior bombing into a mid clash, that's a lot of damage.

But a ret pally waiting on CDs won't see as big a boost, I imagine.
I'm very, very glad to see that this change occurred. It's definitely a boon (and evens the gearing field somewhat) for classes/specs that don't have a farmable epic weapon.

That said, the epic weapons are still BiS imho, especially if it's a epic ilvl 32 weapon that's heavier on str/agi/etc. than on stamina (like epic pacifier), though this change helped to close (though not eliminate) the gaps between a epic ilvl 32 and a ilvl 31 blue weapon (for example, the gap in weapon dps between a ilvl 26 2h weapon and a ilvl 32 epic was originally 1.1 or so, and now with those ilvl 26 blues being ilvl 31, the dps gap is now reduced to 0.2 or 0.3).
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I'm very, very glad to see that this change occurred. It's definitely a boon (and evens the gearing field) for the classes that don't have a farmable epic weapon.
me too man I'm so pumped. The potential for new bis pieces here is huge.

lets hope they scale up dungeon bag pieces next, that would probs put the nail in the coffin for the need to reroll toons lmao
how will I ever sell these feet of the lynx now xD

Wonder if we are close to getting holiday epics fixed too.. make a ticket. There was a sample ticket about the broken int proc ones in a dif thread you can try to copy too
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Is the slither scale / fang set still the meta? You likely get a lot more out of a full set of solid bg rare pieces. Are we going to see a return of plate hpallies?
I'm gonna think out loud and work from memory here...

So it occurs to me that you'll still keep fang gloves and belt. Which gives you the 2 piece bonus. Which means legs, chest and feet need to make up... 13 int? In bonuses?

And I think there's what, three more int total on those pieces. So you'd need what... 22 vers to equal the other 10 int. Im pretty sure adaptable gear gets you there
And I think there's what, three more int total on those pieces. So you'd need what... 22 vers to equal the other 10 int. Im pretty sure adaptable gear gets you there
if you manage to get rare adaptable boots, adaptable legs, and adaptable chest thats a staggering 30 vers.
I'm gonna think out loud and work from memory here...

So it occurs to me that you'll still keep fang gloves and belt. Which gives you the 2 piece bonus. Which means legs, chest and feet need to make up... 13 int? In bonuses?

And I think there's what, three more int total on those pieces. So you'd need what... 22 vers to equal the other 10 int. Im pretty sure adaptable gear gets you there

The added benefit of higher defense (from Vers and extra STA) might be worth the loss in spell power, even if you don't finish a perfect Adaptable set.
You’d get 3 int and 25 vers and some stam VS 14 Int and 3 haste and a trade bug spellthread

if my math is right

Ftp no trade bug so w/e
Fang set = 50 Intel / 36 Stam / 14 Haste / 8 crit / 11 Vers

50 Intellect + 11/2,3 Vers = 50 + 4,8 =
54,8 intellect + 36 Stamina + 14 Haste + 8 Crits

Shootsayer + adaptable bg (Boots + legs) + Keller (ilvl28) + Magefist (ilvl28)
= 39 intel / 43 Stam / 41 Vers

39 intellect + 42/2,3 Vers = 18,26 = 56,8 intellect + 51 Stamina

Shootsayer + adaptable bg (Boots + legs) + 2 Part fang (Gloves + Belt) = 41 intel / 48 Stam / 4 crit / 40 Vers

41 intellect + 38/2,3 Vers = 16,5 = 57,5 intellect + 50 Stamina + 4 crit

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I'm glad they made this change. Warforged gear was a ridiculous idea to begin with. Legion invasions were dark times yo. It felt like so many twinks were lost or felt unplayable. Then epics came along and it was super feel bad yo. Glad Blizzard has righted that wrong.

Not sure my bank/bags can handle another armor set though lmao.

May you all get the bestest of gear.
I'm glad they made this change. Warforged gear was a ridiculous idea to begin with. Legion invasions were dark times yo. It felt like so many twinks were lost or felt unplayable. Then epics came along and it was super feel bad yo. Glad Blizzard has righted that wrong.

Not sure my bank/bags can handle another armor set though lmao.

May you all get the bestest of gear.
yeah now we have to farm blue adaptables

may or may not be worse depending on your luck

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